
The Status Of The University Cafeteria Services At Cagayan State University, Andrews Campus, Tuguegarao City  

Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: Ph.D.
Institution / University: Cagayan State University, Philippines
Published in: 2011

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The study was conducted to determine the  Status of the University Cafeteria Services at Cagayan State University, Andrews Campus, Tuguergarao  City.  The respondents of the study are the one hundred fifty students coming from the different colleges within the Andrews Campus.

The descriptive method of research was used in gathering the relevant data needed in the study.  A structured questionnaire was prepared to gather all the relevant data needed in the study.  To substantiate the responses of the respondents, personal interview was also done by the researcher.

Results of the study revealed that the mean age of the respondents is 19.  Majority of the respondents are female and single.  The average weekly allowance of the respondents amounted to P575. As to the services availed by the respondents at the University Cafeteria, 61 or 41 percent availed of meals and 41 or 27 percent availed both snacks and meals.

Forty of the respondents prefer to eat burger and juice in the  morning  as snacks while 38 of the respondents prefer to eat siomai and juice as snacks in the afternoon.

As to type of breakfast offered at the University Cafeteria, many of the respondents chose to eat rice, tocino and hotdog and few of the respondents take bread and coffee in the morning.

Most of the respondents prefer to eat rice, meat and vegetables at lunch time.  Few of the respondents chose to eat rice, vegetables and fish.

As to the respondents level of satisfaction on food,  the  grand mean was 2.24 with a descriptive value of satisfied.  As to their level of satisfaction on price, the grand mean was 2.21 with a descriptive value of satisfied.  With regards to their level of satisfaction on services and sanitation, the grand mean of 2.21 and 2.20 respectively with a descriptive value of satisfied.

With regards to the problems encountered by the respondents at the University Cafeteria, majority of  the  respondents  answered lack of space to accommodate all customers.

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by beatriz Oate from Philippines on 12-Dec-2012 14:06.
Abstract has been viewed 3679 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

beatriz Oate Contact Details: Email: onate.beatriz@yahoo.com

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