An Analysis Of How Advertising Affect Females’ Selfimage; Specifically Focusing Upon Print Alcohol Advertisements
Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: BBS in Business Studies
Institution / University: University of Limerick, Ireland
Published in: 2009
Over the past 40 years advertising has grown rapidly, and today the advertising industry is worth
over $400 billion. Advertising therefore has a direct impact on people’s lives, and print alcohol
advertising is no exception.
Advertising often reflects societal beliefs, but these beliefs are often misleading. Adverts portray
flawless beauty in the form of female models, which leads to social comparisons being conducted
by women. They compare their physical attractiveness, and if it doesn’t coincide with what they
see, it can lead to poor self-esteem, a lack of self-confidence and even possibly developing eating
disorders which are unhealthy.
The alcohol adverts are also very sexual in nature, with women being shown to be very scantily
clad or partially nude. This only acts to accentuate the portrayal of beautiful women by again
drawing social comparisons. The adverts often show women and men engaging in sexual
activities which were previously not seen outside of the world of pornography, but advertisers
today are pushing the boundaries further than ever before. This can lead to both men and women
believing that what they see in these adverts is what is socially accepted and what might happen
if they consumed the product on offer.
Print alcohol adverts tend to portray women as adorers to men, or purely as sex objects. The
males in these adverts are often shown as in domineering positions, highlighting that women are
seen as subordinate to men. A problem with men in this position is that fear may be instilled in
women. Fear of rape and violence against women
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Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by David Morrin from Ireland on 15-Nov-2012 18:32.
Abstract has been viewed 2635 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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