
Learning With Confidence: The Use Of Storyboarding  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: PhD Sci Ed (Biology)
Institution / University: Roxas City School for Philippine Craftsmen, Philippines
Published in: 2012

Paper Abstract / Summary:

This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of storyboarding in the confidence of students in answering biology test. The study was conducted at the Roxas City School for Philippine Craftsmen, Roxas City, Capiz from February 01 – 25, 2012. Twenty nine students were matched-paired based on the pre-test score.

One group was considered to be the experimental group – the group that underwent lecture and storyboard making and the other group – the control group, the group that underwent lecture method only.

The study involved quantitative measure. As a quantitative research, it utilized the matching-only pretest-posttest control group design. The scores of the students for both groups were analyzed using frequencies, mean and standard deviation for descriptive statistics. For inferential statistics, Wilcoxon signed ranks test for related sample and Mann-Whitney U test for independent samples. Spearman rh0 test for correlation was also used to determine if relationship exists between confidence and academic performance of the students.

Results showed that there was a significant difference in the confidence level of students, in both groups, after intervention. However, only the experimental group achieved a significant difference in their biology performance before and after the intervention. This means that the experimental group performed better than the controlled group. Moreover, a positive significant relationship exists between students’ level of confidence and performance in biology.

Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
learning, confidence, storyboard

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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by cheryl ann gicana from Philippines on 10-Nov-2012 10:39.
Abstract has been viewed 4070 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

cheryl ann gicana Contact Details: Email: jfgicana@yahoo.com

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