Aeromycoflora Present In Play Ground.
Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: M.Sc
Institution / University: Prof. Ramkrishna More College, Akurdi, Pune. University of Pune, M.S. India., India
Published in: 2007
Airspora constitutes fungal spores, pollen, bacteria, hyphal fragments, insect’s scales, etc. Airborne fungal forms are the well-studied component, some of them causing serious health disorders in human being. Present investigation deals with qualitative and quantitative analysis of fungal airspora of extramural environment of a Telco play ground at Ajmera Colony in Pimpri Chinchwad area, Pune, M.S. India. The present aerobiological investigation was carried out by using Rotorod air Sampler for the period of one year i.e. from October 2006 to September 2007. Total 17 fungal forms were recorded during the study period. Aspergillus (12.2%), Rhizopus (8.3%), Exosporium (7.7%), Sporidesmium (6.8%) and Curvularia (5.7%) were recorded as the predominant forms whereas Alternaria, Bispora, Heterosporium, etc. were found with comparatively less concentration. It was observed the concentration of the spores in the air varies from season to season probably due to variation in meteorological parameters. Attempts were made to detect and identify the airborne pollen also. Majority fungal forms those reported during the study are the well known allergens.
Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
Aeromycoflora, Play ground, Rotorod Air Sampler.
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Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Yogesh Ahire from India on 19-Jun-2012 11:04.
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