
Implementation of the Code for the Investigation of Marine Casualties and Incidents: A Critical Analysis  

Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: MSc Maritime Affairs
Institution / University: World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden
Published in: 2004

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse the implementation of the Code for the Investigation of Marine Casualties and Incidents, focusing on the roles of politicians, casualty investigating bodies and casualty investigation reports.

The implementation of Annex 1 to IMO Resolution A.849(20) as amended, may be weakened by excessive and inadequate political reactions in the aftermath of a casualty, especially if it causes an environmental catastrophe. The logic behind these reactions and the several ways they are expressed are thoroughly examined.

In contrast with the majority of IMO Member States, several States have established a casualty investigating body, autonomous from the regulator i.e. the maritime administration. The diverse and at times conflicting philosophies are researched and their implications on the implementation of the IMO Code analysed.

The maritime industry has always been conservative and history attests that internal cultural changes may take years to transpire, if at all achieved. In discussing this phenomenon, the dissertation examines the contribution of casualty investigation reports towards achieving foresight and overcoming this traditional approach. A casualty investigation report is analysed. Innovative to the industry’s practice, ‘Conclusions, Analysis, Evidence’ diagrams were constructed to determine whether this tool serves the promulgation of information.

The final chapter brings together the entire study into a model, explaining how the industry may achieve active foresight through the implementation of the IMO Code.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
A.849(20); Casualty Investigation; Code; IMO; Maritime Accident; Maritime Incident; Safety

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
K. T. Ghirxi, "Implementation of the Code for the Investigation of Marine Casualties and Incidents: A Critical Analysis", Unpublished MSc thesis, (World Maritime University, Malmö, Sweden, 2003).

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Kevin Thomas Ghirxi from Malta on 25-Jun-2004 13:00.
Abstract has been viewed 2833 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Kevin Thomas Ghirxi Contact Details: Email: kevin.ghirxi@mma.gov.mt

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