
Impact Of Social Networking On Education  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: M.Phil
Institution / University: St.Joseph College of Education, India
Published in: 2012

Paper Abstract / Summary:

Social Networking Sites (SNSs) are currently being used regularly by millions of people. The use of SNSs has been widespread, catching the attention of academic and industry researchers worldwide. These sites have the key aspects of the cultures and responsibilities in the society. Most sites help strangers connect with others based on personal interests, political and economic views, shared ideas, or simply recreational activities. Some sites accommodate distinct viewers, while others attract people based on similarities, such as common lingual, racial, sexual, religious or national identities. The SNSs have only one common goal i.e. communicate various people and share information in new ways. Many students and teachers have been captivated and utilizing various social networking sites for their studies. They are getting more ideas and information in the innovative way from the social networking and using them in their teaching-learning process. This emergent phenomenon aroused us to look into SNSs that will not affect the students and their academic performances. In this paper, the investigators address the challenges and benefits offered by these sites and analyze the impact of SNSs on the education. The study argues that these sites distract students from their studies, but these sites can be useful for education based on sound pedagogical principles and proper supervision by the teachers. Moreover, the research concludes that SNSs have both positive as well as negative impact on the education, depending on one’s interest to use it in a positive manner for his or her education and vice versa.

Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
SNSs, Social Networking Sites, Impact of Social Networking on Education, Education and SNSs

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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Arul Lawrence A S from India on 22-Apr-2012 06:14.
Abstract has been viewed 991 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Arul Lawrence A S Contact Details: Email: arullawrence@gmail.com Phone: 9994103888

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