
The Response Of Grape Fruits To Application Of Water And Fertilizers Under Different Localized Irrigation Systems  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: Ms.C.
Institution / University: Ain Shams Uiversity, Egypt
Published in: 2006

Dissertation Abstract / Summary:
This study aimed to apply localized irrigation systems in old lands (Nile Valley and Delta), increase water and fertilizers use efficiencies, as well as study the changes of physical properties to soil and vegetative growth and quality parameters of grape yield. Field experiments were conducted at the Experimental Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University. That located in Shalaqan Village 1 km from El Kanater El Khairea District, Qalubia Governorate, through two successful growing seasons of 2002/2003 and 2003/2004. Three years old vines crop (700 vine per fed) were irrigated using three irrigation systems namely drip irrigation system (DIS), low head bubbler irrigation system (LHBIS) and modified surface irrigation system by using gated pipes irrigation system (GPIS). Soil of the experimental field represents the Nile alluvial (Silty clay loam in texture). Ground water is the source of irrigation water. Irrigation requirements were calculated according to , Vermeiren and Jobling, (1980). Grape yield was harvested in the 2nd half of July 2003 and 2004. Data obtained were statistical analyzed and economically evaluated. Results could be summarized as follows.
Concerning water intake rate into the soil (IR) and the mean soil salinity, the tested irrigation systems could be put in following ascending order GPIS< LHBIS < DIS at season of 2002/2003, the differences in the mean soil salinity between LHBIS from one side and both DIS and GPIS from other side season of 2002/2003 and between GPIS from one side and both DIS and LHBIS from the other side season of 2003/2004 were significant at the 5 % level.
Concerning the mean soil moisture content (yw,%), the applied irrigation systems could be arranged in the following ascending order: LHBIS=DISyw,%) between any two irrigation systems were significant at the 5 % level except that between LHBIS and DIS before irrigation. According to (yw,%) the irrigation systems could put in the following ascending orders: GPIS=DISyw,%) between GPIS from one side and LHBIS from the other side was significant at 5 % level, in the 1st order.
With respect to the soil aggregation, mean weight diameter (MWD) and aggregation percent (agg. %), the investigated irrigation systems could be arranged in the following ascending order: GPIS  On the other hand, by the end of season 2003/2004, irrigation systems could be put in the following ascending order: LHBIS
In the case of grape yield, water use efficiency (WUSE), water utilization efficiency (WUTE), fertilizers use efficiency (FUE), leaf area, leaf dry weight, branch number/vine, branch length, pruning weight, crop load, juice volume, sugar percent, cluster length, cluster width, berry diameter and berry volume, the investigated irrigation systems could put in the following ascending orders GPISLHBIS>DIS and LHBIS>GPIS>DIS at seasons of 2002/2003 and 2003/2004, respectively.  The differences in cluster density were significant at the 5 % level among irrigation systems except that between LHBIS and GPIS in both growing seasons.
The data show that minimum value of total production costs was (1260.1 LE/fed) for grape yield under using GPIS, while the maximum value of total production costs was (1414.3 LE/fed) when DIS was used. The data showed that the maximum value of net profit was (3335.7 LE/fed) for grape yield under DIS, followed by the LHBIS (3058 LE/fed), while the minimum value of net profit was 2364.9 LE/fed under GPIS.
Since the positive effect of both DIS and LHBIS on most of the studied parameters, it can be recommended for irrigating vine yard under old lands in both the Delta and the Valley of Egypt.

Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
Irrigation systems, Soil characteristics, Grape, vine yard, Growth parameters.

This Dissertation Abstract may be cited as follows:
Mansour, H. A. 2006. The response of grape fruits to application of water and fertilizers under different localized irrigation systems. M.Sc: Thesis, Faculty of Agriculture, Agric., Ain Shams university, Egypt.

Dissertation Images:
Science - The Response Of Grape Fruits To Application Of Water And Fertilizers Under Different Localized Irrigation Systems Dr. Hani A. Mansour
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Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Hani Mansour from Egypt on 29-Mar-2012 18:01.
Abstract has been viewed 3322 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Hani Mansour Contact Details: Email: mansourhani2011@gmail.com Phone: +201068989517

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