
Information Systems Area Spin-off in a small sized (200 employees) company in Mexico  

Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: MBA in BA
Institution / University: Buxton University, United Kingdom
Published in: 2004

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The present work pretends to describe the set of steps and guidelines followed to perform a one-area spin-off in a small sized company in Mexico. The area in particular covered in this work is the Information Systems Department. Even when the work is covering a spin-off and for a technology area, it is the opinion of the author of this work that this same process can be followed in any other area of a company, and in spin-off or integration activities.

The process herein contained is a complement of both the common administrative process, and the project management methodology defined by the PMI (Project Management Institute); by using and complementing both methodologies, the project proved both were right on their statements, and the correct implementation of both lead the whole project to a complete success.

This work is not intended to include full coverage on technical issues, but rather be a management guide with concepts on what and how it has to be done in order to separate the administration of an Information Systems area. Some considerations where taken in the evaluation of brands and services offered, these included technical and cost or investment issues; it is from the complement of this two that the best technology and services were selected.

The work is based on experimental, and true-life data and information from several companies in the manufacturing, educational, and financial industries. While this gives the work more value compared to those using hypothetic information, it also gets the author into several restrictions imposed by the companies that participated with information, and their employees. Some of the information used to define portions of this work was excluded from it, because it was considered either confidential or sensitive to the company that provided it. Other information was excluded because it would directly identify the company that gave it, and the rest is the sole work and design of the author, so it did not have to be excluded.

This work covers an in-depth analysis of the process needed to complete the separation of the area from the corporate offices. The proposed process involves several activities that were grouped in the following topics:

1. Documentation,
2. Technology evaluation and selection,
3. Human resources sourcing, and
4. Design for the new office building.

The topics were then converted into chapters, and these chapters joined to form the present work. As said before, the information and its analysis were performed using project management and simple administrative processes. This is an attempt to present an orderly and adequate form of managing this kind of organizational change for one sole area of the company.

It was the author’s sole intention to provide a condensed information source for any manager looking forward to separate an individual area of a company. Instead of having to look for a large number of sources, just having to refer to this work to look at the process applied and experience gained here. Another objective was to provide a clear look at small-sized companies and how they operate in Mexico, the technology and application recommendations that emerge from this work and the investigation involved.

In general words, the whole process took about three years for implementation, from the creation of the area and documentation, to the full separation and new office building inauguration and full operation. All three years are condensed in a nine-month process detailed in this work, and information from other companies was also included to complement the real process that was implemented.

This implementation means no result altering, since it was performed uniquely on the documentation phase. Data and some information of the office building relocation was taken from other companies, but a real office was built and used by the company from which most of the information for this work came.

All relevant metrics and result evaluation were excluded from this work for two reasons, the first is that relevant or identifying data would be published and the companies here involved did not want so, and the second is because there were confidential information included in those reports that could not be published for general public as the intention of this work is.

Diagrams and logical designs for almost every service and technology implemented in the new building are included here. Since all this work is the sole collaboration of the author, and the companies involved in them did not disagree to its publication, they were not excluded, some details and more detailed information is not provided solely due to space restrictions and to avoid making this work unreadable, or render it unusable because of its length.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
mba, ba, spin-off, design, small-sized, information, systems, IT

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Luis Fernando Heimpel Boyoli from Mexico on 04-Jun-2004 23:45.
Abstract has been viewed 2382 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Luis Fernando Heimpel Boyoli Contact Details: Email: lheimpel@yahoo.com

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