A Study Of Language Roles In Thai Tourism Industry Competitiveness
Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: Ph.D. in Management Science
Institution / University: Shinawatra University, Thailand
Published in: 2011
This study aimed to study the language roles in Thai tourism industry competitiveness, to determine the most important language role for the Thai tourism industry, and to investigate how Thai tourism product suppliers and marketers establish and maintain competitiveness to help Thailand, a preferred tourist destination for international tourists in terms of the use of language roles. A qualitative method was adopted for this study. Purposely, this study utilised in-depth webcam interviewing techniques with a 42-group-case of international tourists chosen purely on the basis of convenience, in-depth face-to-face interviewing with a 30-group-case of inbound tour company managers selected on a random basis technique, and in-depth face-to-face with a 32-group-case of tourism department heads where the use of the snowball technique was employed.
Three sets of interview guidelines in English were created as a research tool by the researcher. The data was analysed using a combination of hermeneutical analysis, content analysis, and discourse analysis. The results of the study revealed that language plays diverse roles in the Thai tourism industry competitiveness. The most important language role in the Thai tourism industry competitiveness is for communication. Effective communication leads to better understanding among tourism people and the international tourists, motivates repurchase of the international tourists. Establishing competitiveness to help Thailand, a preferred tourist destination for international tourists, language is completely important. Language can be used for many purposes. It is adjusted in different visions. Well-designed for tourism curriculum should be considered. Maintaining competitiveness concerns various aspects, language in particular.
Based on the research findings, the need for diversity training in foreign languages and their roles should be focused and broadened. The need for greater collaboration and partnership between the tourism organisations and tourism education institutions in preparing workforce to meet the needs of the tourism industry is necessitated. This includes developing tourism education curriculum which should be done continuously.
Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
Language, Tourism, Language Roles, Thai Tourism Industry, Competitiveness
This Dissertation Abstract may be cited as follows:
Thitthongkam, Thavorn, John Walsh, Chanchai Bunchapattanasakda, Pacapol Anurit, and Kantatip Sinhaneti. (2011). Study of Language Roles in Thai Tourism Industry Competitiveness. Shinawatra University: Bangkok.
Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Thavorn Thitthongkam from Thailand on 18-Mar-2012 07:14.
Abstract has been viewed 3462 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
Thavorn Thitthongkam Contact Details: Email: tha_vorn2002@yahoo.com
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