The Impact Of Economic Integration In The East African Communityeast Africa
Abstract Category: Accounts and Economics
Institution / University: World Trade Institute,University of Bern, Switzerland
Published in: 2012
Regional integration refers to a process in which states enter into a regional agreement for the purpose of promoting cooperation through institutions and rules. Various studies have shown that regional integration has many political and economic advantages for all member states of the region.
This research studies the effects of Economic Integration .The resurrected East African Community (our case study) is one of the Regional Integration in Africa. It comprises Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi. The study is done by a means of comparison. A comparison is made of the period before each partner state has entered EAC and after. This means the analysis is made for the period before and after EAC.
It is seen that there is more trade after the countries had joined the EAC than before . Also foreign direct investment increased sharply after the EAC. Each partner has benefited the increased in the FDI. In addition EAC stimulated the tariff reduction within the region which in turn led to trade creation and trade diversion and as well as the improvement of welfare in some member states of the EAC.
However, in order for the impact of Economic integration to be well developed there are several suggestions as policy implications to be done. There shall be effective elimination of non-tariff barriers to trade within the region. Also government need to promote sectors where trade creation is seen to be visible. Finally, another policy implication is by making local firms competitive and enhancing their economies of scale, additional tax revenue would also be generated. Therefore all this will enable the success and progress of the economic integration.
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Dr.Anirudh Shingal ( Thesis/Dessertation Supervisor)
World Trade Institute, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland ( reference upon request)
Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Jean Msabila from Tanzania on 07-Feb-2012 12:13.
Abstract has been viewed 4306 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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