
A Critical Analysis To Explore The Extent To Which Cases Of Asynchronous Online Discussions Support Collaborative Learning  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Doctorate
Institution / University: Institute of Education, University of London, United Kingdom
Published in: 2012

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

There is such a wide variety of uses of this term ‘collaborative learning’ inside each academic field, and a fortiori, across the fields (Dillenbourg, 1999).
However, in terms of the recent focus of CSCL (Stahl, 2006), in effective collaborative knowledge building, the group must engage in thinking together about a problem or task and produce a knowledge artefact such as a verbal problem clarification, a textual solution proposal, or a more developed theoretical inscription that integrates their different perspectives on the topic and represents a shared group result that they have negotiated. As a consequence, collaborative learning should combine ‘constructionism’ with ‘social learning’ (Laurillard, 2009).

From this perspective, collaboration cannot be considered as a condition and support for individual cognition, rather it should be conceptualised as an effective means of developing group meaning through the interactions among the group’s individual members, not by the individuals on their own.

Therefore, it is relatively easy to label any asynchronous discussion based learning environment as a ‘collaborative’ one, but incorporating all these theoretical parameters into practice is an enormous challenge for the tutors as primarily promoting collaboration in online learning begins with an understanding of the concept itself.

Conceptualising collaboration on a continuum of six consecutive processes, the model originally illustrated by Murphy (2004), has been used in this research for the identification and measurement of collaboration in four different asynchronous discussions where critical emphasis has been given to analyse the process of group meaning making from the qualitative point of view mainly by micro analysis of the massages. Consequently, Murphy’s categories have been applied for two different significant purposes. First to make an explicit distinction between the socio-cultural learning and collaborative learning and second between effective and ineffective collaborative situations.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Asynchronous collaborative discussion, Content analysis, Electronic tagging system of the asynchronous dialogues

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
American Psychological Association

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Dr. Arundhati Mukherjee from United Kingdom on 23-Jan-2012 18:43.
Abstract has been viewed 2202 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Dr. Arundhati Mukherjee Contact Details: Email: chatjayant@hotmail.com

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