Analysis Of Parents’ Participation On Curriculum Design
Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Doctor of Education
Institution / University: Misamis University, Philippines
Published in: 2011
The parents play a significant role in the development, enhancement and innovation of the curriculum. Their reactions, suggestions and opinions serve as inputs in the curriculum process. Their involvement through their suggestions and recommendations would the bases in the enhancement of the skills and values that they want their children to develop and to become competitive after finishing their respective degrees in the University.
It is the objective of this evaluation to determine the extent of parents’ participation on curriculum design of the programs of the different colleges of the University on the bases of how the parents considered relevant skills as important. The parents perceived the importance of the skills to be developed among their son/daughter while they are studying in the institution.
Specifically, this evaluation determines that skills that the parents wanted to be emphasized for their children to be able to practice by the time they finish their respective courses in Misamis University; the values to be emphasized for their children’s moral development; skills that need to be improved to enhance the competitive edge of the graduates; and the reasons for sending their children to Misamis University.
The parents considered it very important that their children should be effective communicators in both written and oral communication. They noted that they considered it highly important for their children to develop competence in writing in the discipline, delivering speech and oral communication, effective writing and term paper writing. As students of the AB ELT, the parents considered it very important that their children should be honest, courteous, and loyal in dealing with others.
Foremost of the reasons that the parents disclosed for sending their children for higher education in the University are related to the provision of quality education as reinforced by the voluntary of the school to national and international certification and accreditation. The continuous efforts of the University to maintain and attain quality and standards of education serve as their trademark which attracted most of the parents in the nearby municipalities and cities to cater and encourage their children to get their degrees. Also noteworthy are the efforts of the University in providing efficient and effective facilities which are contributory to maintaining a welcoming and encouraging learning environment which are very important component in the attainment of learning objectives set by higher education.
Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
Parents' Feedback, Curriculum Review
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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Janet Barrera from Philippines on 15-Nov-2011 13:56.
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