
Distribution Of Primary School Teachers In Tanzania: The Case Of Ruangwa District Council  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Msc. Human Resource Management
Institution / University: Mzumbe University, Tanzania
Published in: 2011

Dissertation Abstract / Summary:

Universal Primary Education is one of the development priorities outlined in Education for All (EFA) and the Millennium Development Goals. In many Sub-Saharan African countries, providing high-quality basic education to the 10-20 percent of primary age children who are still out of school is a serious policy concern. Provision of educational services for these children presents a series of problems, in particular, related to the distribution of teachers in urban and rural schools. The main objective of this study is to investigate the rationale for continued existence of inequitable distribution of teachers in Tanzania despite significant efforts undertaken through sector specific/relevant reforms. The area of focus of this study is Ruangwa District Council. This study is guided by a set of specific objectives which include determining variations of the distribution of teachers in primary schools, investigate teachers’ recruitment, deployment, training and transfer in Ruangwa District Council, determining reasons for inequitable distribution of primary school teachers in Ruangwa District Council and determining Teacher- Pupil Ratio in Ruangwa District Council.

To capture the objectives of this study both general and specific, the study targeted employees in the education sector in Ruangwa District Council such as primary school teachers, District Education Officers, Ward Education Coordinators and Human Resource Officers. Random and purposive sampling techniques were employed in the selection of a sample of 160 respondents out of a total of a population of 479. Random sampling was employed in selecting teachers in order to get equal representation in terms of gender and age while purposive was used in selection of Education Officers, Human Resource officer and Ward Education Coordinators in order obtain information with respect to the objectives of this study. Primary data was collected through a combination of structured and semi structured interviews with teachers, education officers, human resource officers and ward education coordinators. Questionnaires relevant to the subject were employed and distributed to 160 respondents including 151 teachers, 6 Ward education Officers, 1 Human resource officer and 2 council education officers.

An extensive review of literature and policy was carried including the 1995 Education Policy, PEDP I/II (2005), BEST, Teachers Recruitment reports for 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 in Ruangwa District Council District and attendance register were reviewed in the course of collecting data.  Data collected was analyzed using both content analysis and Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS).

This study finds that, there are more female primary school teachers in Ruangwa than male with close to seven out of ten adversely rating teacher recruitment, deployment and training system There is evidence to suggest that a combination of sector specific policies, inadequate salaries, attrition and personal preferences are responsible for inequitable distribution of teachers in Ruangwa, a factor that in turn adversely affects the number of available teachers in relation to pupils.

Based on these findings, this study recommends that the government devises a good strategy for motivating teachers to accept posts in remote rural areas. Comprehensive deployments policies need to be developed that ensure sufficient teachers in remote schools. One way of achieving this can be through practical and effective decentralization of human resource management at the local level.

Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
Education, Teachers, Deployment, Recruitment,Tanzania, Ruangwa

This Dissertation Abstract may be cited as follows:
Amina Ramadhani, (2011), Distribution of Primary School Teachers in Tanzania: The case of Ruangwa District Council, submitted at Mzumbe University, Tanzania

Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Amina Mkwawa from Tanzania on 08-Nov-2011 05:47.
Abstract has been viewed 3567 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Amina Mkwawa Contact Details: Email: ramadhanamina@gmail.com Phone: +255754494622

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