Effect Of Feeding Different Levels Of Sesame Oil Cake On Feed Intake, Body Weight Change, And Carcass Parameters Of Sheep Fed On Wheat Bran And Teff Straw, In Norther Wester Tigray, Ethiopia.
Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: Msc. in Tropical animal production and pastoral development
Institution / University: Mekelle University, Ethiopia
Published in: 2010
The experiment was carried out at Shire Agricultural Technical Vocational Educational and Training College (ATVETC), Northwestern Zone of Tigray, Ethiopia. Twenty-five yearling intact male sheep with an average live weight of 19±1.7kg (mean ± Standard deviation) were used in the experiment. The objective of the study was to investigate the effect of feeding different levels of sesame seed cake supplementation on feed intake, live weight gain and carcass parameters of sheep fed wheat bran and teff straw, as well as to evaluate the appropriate economic levels to get optimum profit in feedlot growing rams. The experimental design was a complete randomized block design (CRBD) with five treatments and five replications. The treatment diets, namely, 0, 150, 200, 250 and 300g Dry matter (DM)/head/day sesame seed cake were assigned randomly to the sheep with a basal diet.
There was significantly higher (P Generally the present study indicated that supplementation of sheep with different levels of SSC had an effect on feed intake, digestibility, and carcass parameters, and the effects were relatively more pronounced on sheep supplemented with the highest level of sesame seed cake. The partial budget analysis also indicated that the highest level of sesame seed cake supplemented sheep had returned a higher profit margin than the other levels of supplementation. Therefore, supplementation with 300g Dry matter (DM)/head/day sesame seed cake is biologically more efficient and economically more profitable and thus could be recommended.
Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Body weight gain, Digestibility, Carcass paramenter and growing lambs
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Mulugeta Ftiwi from Ethiopia on 07-Nov-2011 17:59.
Abstract has been viewed 2852 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
Mulugeta Ftiwi Contact Details: Email: mulugetaftiwi@gmail.com Phone: +251911571626
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