Performance Optimization Of Wireless Mobile Communication Systems Using Smart Antenna
Abstract Category: I.T.
Course / Degree: MS(IT)
Institution / University: BIZTEK, Pakistan
Published in: 2011
The technology of smart antenna for wireless communication systems has received enormous interest worldwide in recent decade, in order to achieve the goal of integrating a wide variety of communication services such as high speed data, video and multimedia traffic as well as voice signals. The ultimate goal of this technology is to incorporate efficient spectrum utilization. Smart antennas serve different users by radiating narrow beams. The same frequency can be reused within the same cell or if the user is separated. A smart antenna forms a pattern that adapts to the current radio conditions improving the communication link. The principal reason for applying smart antennas is the possibility for a large increase in capacity and to introduce new services. These intelligent antenna systems take advantages of both antenna and propagation technology.
Smart antennas has the capability to reduce multipath interference as modeled in Rayleigh and rician fading channel model, increase signal to noise ratio and introduce frequency reuse within a confined environment Numerous challenges remain in the growth of intelligent antenna systems; one of these is the development of novel beamforming algorithms for the best use of the received signal. This study focuses on designing of novel algorithms for smart antenna system as well as analyzing and optimizing some popular beamforming algorithms. The second goal of this study is to design a feasible smart antenna system to be deployed at a cellular telephony system base station to increase the capacity of the wireless mobile communication network. The convenient base station antenna is 120º sectored. For this reason most of electromagnetic pollution power is radiated in other directions as well as toward the desired user which acts as interference for other users. Smart antenna works by directing a narrow beam toward the desired user, consequentially smart antenna will lead to a much more efficient use of the power and spectrum utilization. Increasing the received power in the desired direction and reducing the interference.
This thesis also studies various parameters that are used to analyze and optimize the performance of smart antenna systems such as effect of number of array elements (N), weight vector (w), element spacing (d), mean square error (MSE), beam width and array factor on radiation pattern. The main goal of this thesis is also to develop an algorithm for smart antenna system for reducing side lobes in smart antenna beam pattern.
Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Smart antenna, Microstrip antenna, beamforming, LMS algorithm
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Syed Hussain Zaheer Naqvi from Pakistan on 12-Oct-2011 23:37.
Abstract has been viewed 4879 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
Syed Hussain Zaheer Naqvi Contact Details: Email: Phone: 03452400632
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