
Marketing Strategies Of Readymade Garments Industry Of India  

Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: PHD
Institution / University: Aligarh Muslim University, India
Published in: 2011

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The present study is concerned with Marketing Strategies of Readymade garments industries in India. The marketing practices of garments units, problems faced by them in implementing the marketing strategies and measures needed to solve these problems, come under the purview of this study. The main focus is on the marketing strategies used by the various sectors in the area of production, promotion, distribution and pricing. In a layman language the term strategy is a term related to ‘warfare or a plan to win a war’.  But in the business world it refers to plans relating to marketing, financing and manufacturing operations. Executives of different business organizations concentrate their efforts to win the biggest possible share of the targeted market. The field of strategy planning is much wider. It deals with the adjustment of controllable factors, viz, production, physical distribution, promotion and pricing within the environment of uncontrollable factors, viz, competition, legal barriers, interference of different behaviours and scientific and technological differentiation.

It is a job of crucial significance to formulate the business. Failure or survival of a business depends upon the effectiveness of strategic planning. For e.g. to increase the prices of a product to a significant extent the management will have to explore and evaluate the competitors towards the change in price. If the change leads to market dominance, competitors by changing the prices of their products will rush to grab the market share. The management of a company should look at defensive tools to be used to safeguard its market position. This requires a continuous review of controllable factors within the atmosphere of uncontrollable ones.

A marketing strategy serves as the base of a marketing plan. A marketing plan contains a list of specific actions required to successfully implement a specific marketing strategy. An example of marketing strategy is as follows: "Use a low cost product to attract consumers. Once our organization, via our low cost product, has established a relationship with consumers, our organization will sell additional, higher-margin products and services that enhance the consumer's interaction with the low-cost product or service." Without a sound marketing strategy, a marketing plan has no foundation. Marketing strategies serve as the fundamental foundation of marketing plans designed to reach marketing objectives. It is important that these objectives have measurable results.

The readymade garments industry has been chosen for various reasons. Firstly it plays an important role for it’s directly concerned to one of the basic needs of every citizen. The garments industry operates in a highly complex environment. Indian garments industries has been creating in a rapidly changing environment particularly since mid seventies. It is therefore important to examine what the modern trend are being introduced by the companies in their marketing strategies and cope with the changing environment because this is a fashion age and everyone is concerned about the new fashion and wants the new test specially the young generation.

Second reason to choose the readymade garments industry is that the contribution of the garments sector in the sphere of production, earning of foreign exchange and investment in the Indian economy has been quite significant.

Third, the functional performance of majority of the garments sector that is in the private sector deserves a significant consideration. The profitability trends, working of garment units’ dependence of garments industries on imports are some of the areas which have also been touched upon and lastly the leadership role of garments sector in India as this is the second employment providing sector after agriculture. The garments industry alone provides the major employment to the Indian citizen as this sector is concerned to small scale industries sector.

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by DR SHAHID ALAM from India on 13-Sep-2011 09:08.
Abstract has been viewed 7773 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

DR SHAHID ALAM Contact Details: Email: shahidalig1@gmail.com Phone: 09528120552

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