A Study Of Contributory Factors Effecting The Staff To Achieve Expected Results In Abc (pte) Ltd. – A Case Study
Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: MBA
Institution / University: Sikkim Manipal University, India
Published in: 2011
The purpose of this study is to find and explore the contributory factors affecting the staff to achieve expected results in ABC (Pte) Ltd., which is a leading laboratory, medical and communication equipment supplier in Sri Lanka. Hence, the main research question is to find out whether staff of ABC (Pte) Ltd. are motivated to achieve expected results.
This research is based on the case study method. The findings presented in this study is based on primary data collected using a questionnaire and by studying the documents available in the company for performance appraisal. Furthermore, this research is limited to employees of ABC (Pte) Ltd. and sample size was 31, selected using stratified sampling method. Sample of all levels of employees participated in the survey. By reviewing the literature, the author constructs three motivational factors; extrinsic rewards, intrinsic rewards, organizational culture and environment. In addition to that, performance factors also have been identified.
Study revealed that there are issues in all focused factors. Issues related to extrinsic rewards are remuneration and training on career development. Trainings are not properly distributed among staff. Intrinsic rewards also have issues such as employees were not given enough authority to carry out work efficiently. Furthermore, employees were not given proper job descriptions and have not setup work related goals. It is important to note that there are few factors to be developed by the management such as willingness to consider suggestions given by employees and encourage creative ability of employees, which can be useful to improve the organization. Proper recognition also has not been given to employees of the organization. In addition to that company does not have a proper appraisal and rewards system and non availability of proper grievance system also have become issues in the organization which comes under organization culture and environment factor. When the performance factor is considered it was identified that organizational environment is not supportive to carry out day to day work efficiently and effectively, management does not make enough efforts to make the organization culture favourable and employees do not believe that if they work hard, they will benefit according to the performance.
It was recommended to appoint a committee to review employee remuneration and benefits, conduct regular staff meetings to find solutions for several issues such as make an opportunity to recognize good work of employees, consider employee suggestions to improve the organization and to encourage creative ability of employees and innovations. In addition to that it was recommended to conduct inter-departmental meetings, review and set up work procedures and recruit a Human Resources professional or hire a consultancy firm to develop a proper Human Resources policy which should have fair policy for rewards, proper appraisal system and proper grievances system.
Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
expected results, achieve, contributory factors
This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
A study of contributory factors effecting the staff to achieve expected results in ABC (Pte) Ltd. – A case study
Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Nilmini Goonetilleke from Sri Lanka on 08-Jul-2011 12:35.
Abstract has been viewed 3025 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
Nilmini Goonetilleke Contact Details: Email: nillmini2005@yahoo.com
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