Awareness and Preventive Measures of TB Among Drivers
Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: medicine
Institution / University: Medicine, Philippines
Published in: 2006
Percentage frequency of the responses of the drivers regarding their awareness about the nature and general information about pulmonary tuberculosis is out of 153 respondents, 86 or 56% of them thinks that tuberculosis is an infection of the lungs, and 14 or 9% associate tuberculosis with vomiting of blood while 53 or 35% do not have any idea what tuberculosis is.
With regards to the percentage frequency on the prevention of the drivers regarding the transmission of pulmonary tuberculosis. Seventy-eight or 51% of the respondents said that tuberculosis could be prevented by covering mouth when coughing. Nineteen or 12% said that tuberculosis could be prevented by eating nutritious foods, and 13 or 9% said that it could be prevented by regular exercise, while 21 or 14% do not have any idea on how to prevent tuberculosis.
Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
public drivers, drivers, TB, measures
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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Trunks Granger from Philippines on 23-May-2011 14:17.
Abstract has been viewed 3437 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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