Nominal Derivations in Telugu Bhagavatham
Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: Ph.D.
Institution / University: Osmania University, Hyderabad, India
Published in: 2007
Among all the creations of god, man stands out as being unique. His inimitableness lies in his ability of speech. Language has been playing a consequential role in the technological advancements of man. Over the centuries, different intellectuals have used language as a catalyst to flourish and integrate their knowledge on various aspects. It is not an exaggeration to say that without language the whole world would have been immersed in the abyss of ignorance. Hence, it is essential to learn the language and delve deep into the intricacies of it.
The contemporary world has been witnessing the birth of many facets in different fields. To supplement these developments it is important for the Language and the Vocabulary to reach a new horizon. The creation of new words requires a profound knowledge of the present ones. Keeping this in view, I base my research upon one of the main components of language.
Language is predominantly made up of three components:
· Nouns (namavachakalu)
· Verbs (kriyalu)
· Avyayaalu
Among these, limitations of the Avyayalu hinder research. The kriyalu have already been extensively researched. However, the field of nouns has a scope to investigate further convolutions which is why my PhD is conceptualized around it. Nouns (namavachakalu) are primarily divided into Siddhaalu and Saadhyaalu. As the name indicates Siddhaalu are non-generable. Saadhyaalu on the other hand are generable and are further classified into two counterparts – Moulikaalu and Amoulikaalu. Amoulikaalu are formulated from several Moulikaalu. These are also known as Samaasaalu (Compounds). Moulikaalu are further catalogued into Krudanthaalu (Primary Derivatives) and Thadhithaanthaalu (Secondary Derivatives).
Krudanthaalu – “Naamaanyaakhyaatha jaani.” - Yaaska
{Nouns (namavachakaalu) are derived from verbs (kriyalu) - Dhaathuja Siddhantham : The Root Theory }
The derivative-suffixes attached to verbs are called kruth-prathyayas (primary derivative suffixes). The nouns derived in this way are known as krudanthaas (primary derivatives). Verbs when suffixed with various kruth-prathyayas form various krudanthas with different meanings.
For e.g. – Verb - naduchu
Suffixes - - a, - ka, - tha
Primary Derivatives - nada, nadaka, nadatha
The above primary derivatives when compared with each other on the basis of a verb change in their phonetic form are known as Dhvani Parinaamaalu (Phonetic changes). The primary derivatives nada, nadaka convey the same meaning (meaning - to walk). However, nadatha means ‘behavior’. Thus, these subtle changes in suffixes also lead to a change in meaning known as Artha Parinaamaalu (Semantic changes). Although the contemporary times have not focused much on Etymology and its definitions of words, the present research deals with the generation of telugu words using 0the idea of a nirvachanam and generation.
Thadhithaalu - The derivative suffixes attached to nouns to produce new forms are known as Thadhithaalu (secondary derivatives). Like in the case of krudanthaalu, artha parinamalu (semantic changes) and dhvani parinamalu (phonetic changes) occur. Hence, research can be made in these two aspects of Thadhithaalu. Srimad Andhra Maha Bhagavatham lo kruthadhita prayogaalu – Prayoga sharanam Vyaakaranam. (Vocabulary rules are born from the works of great people.) Hence, Srimad Andhra Maha Bhagavatam written by Pothana is chosen to be the source for research. It is based upon this great epic that the whole research of mine is formulated.
Design of Chapters -
1. Bhoomika (bottom-line of research)
2. Anubandha Shastra Parichayam (Introduction of concerned fields)
3. Dhvani Vignanam (Phonology)
4. Kruthadhitha Prathyayalu (Primary and Secondary Derivatives)
5. Bhagavatam lo Ajaadi Kruthprathyayaalu (Primary Derivatives starting with vowels in Bhagavatam)
6. Bhagavatam lo halaadi kruthprathyayaalu (Primary Derivatives starting with consonants in Bhagavatam)
7. Bhagavatam lo thadhitha prathyay aalu (Secondary Derivatives in Bhagavatam)
8. Bhagavatam lo kruthadhithaanthaalu – Vishleshana (Analysis of Primary and Secondary Derivatives in Bhagavatam
Justification of Chapters –
The whole research can be divided into two parts:
· Theoretical part
· Analytical part
Theoretical part (chapters 1 – 4) is the one which deals with the introduction of necessary terminology for the Analytical part of the work (chapters 5-8) which forms the latter part.
Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
Telugu, Andhra, Bhagavatham, Pothana, Krittaddhita, Naominal derivations
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Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Dr.PandurangaSharma Ramaka from India on 26-Apr-2011 15:06.
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