The Concept of Social Justice in Buddhism and Sikhism- A philosophical perspective
Abstract Category: Arts
Course / Degree: ph.D
Institution / University: punjabi university, patiala, punjab, India
Published in: 2011
In the present work an attempt has been made to trace the origin and development of Concept od Social Justice.Social Justice means treating a human being as a human being. In this sense different religions have their own teachings which help human beings in making them humane.Buddha gave great consideration to freedom of thought and admonished his followers to do away with greeds,hatred and deliverance which force a man to do all types of evils. The purpose of religion is to make the world a kingdom of full righteousness.Basically the Buddha visualized the importance of link between ethica,soceity and politics.This whole dimension is summed up in the Buddhist conception of justice,which may be rendered by the term righteousness a notion which brings Buddhism nearer to humanity.Buddhism always fought against caste,colour and such other vices. The Sikh society is founded on the principle of equality and its history is replete with examples showing people from low caste rising to high positions.The Sikh Gurus had an extraordinary influence on the various strata of society. They provided vital leadership to the oppressed people.Their contribution in spiritual,moral,social,economic,cultural and political fields was striking and remarkable.Buddha ans Guru Nanak rejected the caste systems and preach the common brotherhood of man.Both believed in the Ahimsa or non-injury.
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Dr.pardeep kumar head of the philosophy department.
Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Dr. Ekta sharma from India on 25-Apr-2011 13:57.
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