Resisting factors in the structure of education sector in Pakistan
Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: M-phil Sociology
Institution / University: Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan
Published in: 2011
The structure of education sector is imperative in understanding the significance of education in development of country like Pakistan. The education sector of Pakistan is most neglected sector due to which it hampers the process of development. Thus the researcher has identified various barriers in the education sector of Pakistan. Many socio-political and economic barriers of education diminish the effectiveness of the education sector of Pakistan. These barriers are lack of resources, lack of proper infrastructure, lack of well designed curriculum, cultural tenets, underinvestment in education sector, low quality of teachers training and rigid socio-cultural practices associated with the girls education. The quality of education in Pakistan is very low due to wastage of resources, grade repetitions, low enrollment of the students and their high dropout rates. Other factors are lack of proper school arrangements, long distances from the schools, poverty, prejudices, stereotypic expectations with girls education, restricted movement of girls, poor roads, limited transportation, unsafe traveling, lack of proper infrastructure, lack of female teachers, teachers absenteeism and traditional patterns that restricts the girls to acquire education. On the demand side poverty, low parental education, gender discrimination and long distance from the schools are the major barriers.
On the supply side shortage of schools and poor quality of teachers are the major obstacles to the girls’ education sector in Pakistan. High dropout rates from the schools is the major barrier in the development of education. Foremost causes of high dropout rates of the students are parental carelessness, boost in education expenses and lack of interest of students in their studies. Watkins (2000) analyzed that there are many factors that deprive the children from attending school and they are the direct cost of schooling, indirect cost of schooling, and opportunity cost of schooling, various gender issues and child labor. A sample of 600 respondents comprising of 200 teachers, 200 parents and 200 students was taken from affiliated schools of Southern Punjab (Pakistan). Interview schedule was used as a tool for data collection. From the analysis of the data it was found that there are various factors that hamper the process of devlopment in structure of education sector and they are insufficient resource mobilization, misplaced budget priorities, neglection of government to the primary education in terms of budget allocation of resources, poor learning habit of the students that causes grade failure, grade repetition, absenteeism of the students and low quality education. There are also teacher’s side constraints like low level of motivation and incentives for teacher’s e.g. pathetic supervision system, weak inspection systems, low salaries, job insecurity, low qualified teachers and decentralized system of teachers monitoring.
Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
Resisting, factors, in structure, of education sector in Pakistan
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