Cultural barriers faced by the female education in Pakistan
Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: M-phil Sociology
Institution / University: Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan
Published in: 2003
In Pakistan women have to face biasness in every walk of life. In case of education the females are deprived of quality education. When the parents have to choose between their son or daughter education they always prefer their sons education. Moreover if the socio-economic status of the parents is low then they prefer to enroll their son in the private school and daughter in the public school. In the rural areas the rigid cultural patterns, patriarchal structure of society and the conservative attitude of the family becomes the obstacle in the access of girls to education sector. The women in the rural areas are also deprived from the education so that they cannot have an access to their property rights and other legal rights. Family size is the important determinant of the female enrollment in schools. Similarly the socio-economic status of the parents determines whether parents send their daughter to school or not.
Education empowers the girls and makes them aware of their legal rights. Education gives awareness to the women and encourages their participation in the politics. But there are four areas that restrict the parents to educate their daughters. They are direct fees of the school, indirect fees like cost of tuition, indirect cost like transportation, clothing, safety concerns and various cultural constraints as well as opportunity costs like household chores and their contribution to family income. The researcher selected Southern Punjab as universe. The researcher used the multi-stage sampling technique for the reserach study. The researcher used the interviwer schedule for this research and conducted the compartive study. The resaercher selected three stakeholders for their response i.e. parents, teachers and students (girls). The resaercher concluded that there are various cultural barriers that hamper the process of devlopment in education sector. Government should strive to launch various awareness programmes and incentives for the parents and their daughters so that the literacy rate of girls can be incraesed.
Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
Cultural, barriers, faced by the female education in Pakistan
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Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Tehmina Sattar from Pakistan on 17-Apr-2011 14:19.
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