
An Analysis of the Mental Health and Examination Anxiety of Boarders and Day Scholars Students of Public School  

Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: PhD* (Phy.Edu.), M.Phil (Phy.Edu.), MPE, BPEd, BSc. -P.E., H.E. & Sports,
Institution / University: Anand College of Education, Agra, Uttar Pradesh (Unit of SGi), India, India
Published in: 2010

Paper Abstract / Summary:

The concept of mental health and anxiety is as old as human being. In recent years clinical psychologist as well as educationist has started giving proper attention to the study of mental health and various forms of anxiety. All of us have experienced some form anxiety in our lives. Anxiety disorders are the most common of all mental health problems. Exam anxiety is a common phenomenon negatively affecting the academic, emotional, personal and social lives of almost 20% students across nationalities including India. Now a day’s parents find more difficulty to send children to a boarding school due to these problems. The survey was offered to 90 males & females boarders and day scholars students of Delhi, Meerut and Ghaziabad. Subjects completed Questionnaires with 130 items on Mental Health Battery (MHB) by Dr.A.K.Singh and Dr.A.Sen Gupta and with 38 items on Student Examination Anxiety Test (SEAT) by Dr.Madhu Agarwal and Miss. Varsha Kaushal. Data from acceptable returned questionnaires were entered into an SPSS data base 15 version. The data was analyzed using an independent ‘t’test to compare examination anxiety and mental health of boarders and day scholars students of public school, level of significance was set at 0.05.

The result of the study indicated that, there were no significant differences in Mental Health whereas significant differences found in Examination Anxiety between boarders and day scholars students of public school. The difference in examination anxiety is may be due to the home sickness, loneliness and intrinsic motivation for the boarders students. The findings of this study provides a direction as requirement of such study’s in larger scale to generalized more authentic findings in terms of academic anxiety and mental health.

Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
mental,health, examination, anxiety, boarder, day scholar, disorder

This Paper Abstract may be cited as follows:
A Paper Presented at the ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Mental Health and Current Scenario, Gurukul Kangri University, Haridwar (U.K.), March 3rd, 2009. And this paper published in Research Journal of Social and Life Sciences (ISSN 0973 -3914), Vol. 07, Year 04, pp. 106-110.

Paper Images:
Other Categories - An Analysis of the Mental Health and Examination Anxiety of Boarders and Day Scholars Students of Public School Awadhesh Kumar Shirotriya
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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Awadhesh Kumar Shirotriya & Dr.M.I.Quraishi from India on 07-Apr-2011 17:49.
Abstract has been viewed 3651 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Awadhesh Kumar Shirotriya & Dr.M.I.Quraishi Contact Details: Email: aks144@gmail.com Phone: 9897289144

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