
Right To Play  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: PhD* (Phy.Edu.), M.Phil (Phy.Edu.), MPE, BPEd, BSc. -P.E., H.E. & Sports,
Institution / University: Anand College of Education, Agra, Uttar Pradesh (Unit of SGi), India
Published in: 2011

Paper Abstract / Summary:

It is very unfortunate to note that “Play” is being denied to the children of developing countries because of the factors like wrongly conceived education policies, poverty, social customs, less importance to play in academics, attitude of teachers, parents and school administrators, urbanization, mechanization etc. and India is no exception to it. It is being observed that a majority of the children become adult without playing thus negatively effecting physical, mental and social aspects of their personality. Play or physical activity is an inborn instinct in living beings. Physical activities are essential for the growth and development. The modern living or mechanized life continuously reducing the use of the human body i.e. physical activities affecting the human body adversely. Non participation in play or physical activities will also drastically affect the mental and social development of the human race.

Earlier human race was involved in physical activities for survival but now it is important or must in order to fulfill its intrinsic need of physical activities & now it is only possible through play. Play is so important to optimal child development that it hasbeen recognized by the UN High Commission for HumanRights as a right of every child. Play is an inevitable reality of life as well as a medium of education.The right to play is a global issue. Around the world children’s play opportunities are threatened through war, poverty, fear, widening gap between the poor and rich and unbalanced importance given to academic pursuits. There is growing concern about the effects of ‘play deprivation’ on children and young people and of the possibility that children’s play is restricted to a degree that is causing them long term harm. The situation in developing countries is very alarming and India is no exception to it, hence, it is high time that Indian constitution should adopt “Right to Play” as its Seventh right and make all possible efforts at grass root level to make all play especially the children & youth of India. The policies of India should mobilize the movement of PLAY in such a manner where by mass is involved in physical play (physical activities) thus people of India become strong & making India a strong nation.

“In supporting children’s right to play, attention must be paid not simply to the external expressions of play, but to the conditions in which ‘playfulness’ thrives.”

Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
Right, Play, Physical Education Teacher, Growth, School, Article 31, Constitution

This Paper Abstract may be cited as follows:
Quraishi M.I. & Shirotriya, A.K. (September, 2010). Right to Play. Thematic paper presentation at the 14th Commonwealth International Sports Science Congress 2010, Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad (Haryana).

Paper Images:
Education - Right To Play Awadhesh Kumar Shirotriya
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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Dr. M.I.Quraishi & Awadhesh Kumar Shirotriya from India on 04-Apr-2011 16:46.
Abstract has been viewed 4686 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Dr. M.I.Quraishi & Awadhesh Kumar Shirotriya Contact Details: Email: aks144@gmail.com Phone: 9897289144

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