Moses & Exodus: An experience of liberation
Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: Doctor of Laws
Institution / University: University of Malta, Malta
Published in: 2003
The books of Moses are five in number, comprising the Pentateuch. The first book is basically a historical account of the genealogy of a people, who are to become a great nation ; with creation at the outset, and the entry into Egypt towards the end to settle in Goshen. It is the story of god’s intervention with a people he has chosen, and is continually testing their faith by either setting them to do arduous tasks or to endure extreme measures of physical trauma. Ultimately, it is always however seen to be Him who delivers them from these extremes to, by contrast, a place where they may reside in happiness and be “fruitful and multiply” . Indeed the importance of Genesis is accentuated by this need of God’s to have an established race of peoples in order to fulfil his plan. His chosen ones are blessed by the burden of having to be responsible for the creation of entire races ; they will be the forebears of nations .
The entry into Egypt is marked by the period of famine throughout which the land in which the chosen people are sojourning. The term sojourning is again used frequently, and this may be taken to mean that these people are not meant to stay - they are have not reached their destination and are continually on the move until it is time for them to reach the Promised Land. The time in which they travel and the experiences which they are subjected to, ultimately becomes the tool with which God selects his people, purifying them and demonstrating to them that He is the Lord, the God that they should worship, for it is only He that will direct them and deliver them out of misery. This is done several times throughout various periods in their history. In order to lead the people, God identifies a person who has the qualities to be a leader, He gives him the tools with which to perform his task. Nowhere is this more evident than in Exodus. This book, can for convenience’s sake, be divided into three main parts.
The first part is the subjection of the people of Israel to the will of the Pharaoh, the second is reserved to the demonstration of God’s power through the Plagues, and lastly the establishment of the Laws. Each of these phases of the book is important to understand the mechanism with which God operates in order to show his people, the sharp contrast of being with Him and not being a member of His community. From this philosophy is borne the notion of restitution, in that the good are rewarded whereas the evil and wicked are punished.
Long Essay Keywords/Search Tags:
Moses, Genesis, Exodus, Pentateuch
This Long Essay Abstract may be cited as follows:
Calleja, E. (2003), Biblical Inspiration and Interpretation (Theology), Unpublished Doctor of Laws Long Essay, University of Malta
Submission Details: Long Essay Abstract submitted by Etienne Calleja from Malta on 22-Oct-2003 05:37.
Abstract has been viewed 3162 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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