
Correlation Studies Between the First and Second Semester Ratings of BSE-III Mathematics Students at Eastern Visayas State University Burauen Campus  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: BSE
Institution / University: Eatern Visayas State University-Burauen, Philippines
Published in: 2011

Paper Abstract / Summary:

This study aimed to identify the correlation between the first and second semester ratings of BSE-III Mathematics major of the Eastern Visayas State University-Burauen.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1.    What is the profile of BSE-III students along with the following variables:

a.    Age;   

b.    Civil status;

c.    Sex/gender;

d.    Attitude towards the course and the subject majored

2.    Is there significant correlation between the identified BSE-III students profile variables and the following aspects:

2.1  First Semester Ratings;

2.2  Second Semester Ratings;

3.    Is there significant correlation between the first and second semester ratings of the BSE-III Mathematics students?

Based on the problems specified the following hypothesis were tested:

1.    There is no significant correlation between the identified BSE-III students profile variables in terms of age, civil status, sex/gender.  However, there is high significant correlation between the first semester ratings and the attitude of the students towards the course and subject majored.

There is no significant correlation between the second semester ratings and the identified profile variables of the students.  However there is high significant correlation between the second semester ratings of the students and the attitude of the students towards the course and the subject majored.

2.    There is a moderate significant correlation between the first and second semester ratings of BSE-III students Mathematics students.

The study utilized the descriptive correlation method of research were structured questionnaires and opinionnaire were used in gathering essential data and information.  Necessary documents such as the list of ratings of students for the first and second semester enrolled for school year 2004-2005 of the institution were taken from the Registrar’s Office of Eastern Visayas State University-Burauen and were used by the researcher.

There were 11 (eleven) BSE-III Mathematics who indicates their perception and attitudes towards the course and subject majored.  Likewise, the same respondents indicate sets of information that help in the investigation of correlation or relationship between the first and second semester ratings of the students.


The findings of the study led to the following conclusions:

1.    The BSE-III mathematics students’ attitude towards the course and the subject major revealed a very satisfactory attitude of students.

2.    The correlation between the BSE-III mathematics students profile variables and the first semester ratings:

a.    Age.  The age and the first semester ratings of the students were not correlated.

b.    Civil Status.  The civil status of the students was not correlated with the first semester ratings of the students.

c.    Sex/gender.  The sex/gender of the students was not correlated with the students’ achievement for the first semester.

d.    Attitude towards the course/major.  The attitude of the students towards the course/major was significantly correlated with the students’ achievement on the first semester ratings.

2.2   The correlation between the BSE-III mathematics students profile variables and the second semester ratings of the students:

a.    Age.  The age and the second semester ratings of the students were not correlated.

b.    Civil Status.  The civil status of the students was not correlated with the second semester ratings of the students.

c.    Sex/gender.  The sex/gender of the students was not correlated with the students’ achievement for the second semester.

d.    Attitude towards the course/major.  The attitude of the students towards the course/major was significantly correlated with the students’ achievement on the second semester ratings.

3.    The correlation between the first and second semester ratings of the BSE-III mathematics students of the Eastern Visayas State University, the overall correlation was interpreted significant or was moderate correlation.                          

Conclusively, the profile variables of students such as age, civil status, sex/gender and the first and second semester ratings are not significantly correlated.  Thus, the attitudes of the students towards the course/major are significantly correlated to the first and second semester ratings of the students.

Further, the semester ratings of the BSE-III mathematics students was significantly moderate correlation with the second semester students achievements.


In the light of the findings of this study, the researcher recommends the following:

1.    The empirical data analysis seems to suggest that the call for subject-articulation is valid accountability quest for educational improvement.

2.    More attention should be given to the research methodology such as the study of correlation like the present study that directly linked the validity of the empirical data under investigation.

3.    Educators may continue to exercise their creativity in developing more effective curricula to support instructional initiatives of achieving students’ higher rating within a covered period of time.

4.    The researcher recommends especially the teachers in mathematics to guide their students in developing their potentials in academic performances.

5.    The researcher also recommends a replication of this study conducted in newly established college institutions so as to obtain a worthwhile perspective of students who are going to enroll or take a course and so as to achieve a high rating of performance.

Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
research abstract,Burauen Campus, Mathematics

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Education - Correlation Studies Between the First and Second Semester Ratings of BSE-III Mathematics Students at Eastern Visayas State University Burauen Campus EVSU
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Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Pharos Forton from Philippines on 23-Mar-2011 03:31.
Abstract has been viewed 3569 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Pharos Forton Contact Details: Email: pharos-forton@yahoo.com

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