
The Reading Competencies of the Second Year High School Students of Dipolog City Division: Basis for Strategic Reading Program  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Master of Arts in Educational Management
Institution / University: Andres Bonifacio College, Philippines
Published in: 2009

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

Reading is an interactive process that is dynamic and constantly changing. Each new task or assignment will alter the learning process and challenge the reader to be active in her approach to the text. Comprehending those texts is crucial for academic success, yet in school, there will be little or no attention paid to the reading process or the strategy training that is so important to the learning tasks.

Thus, this study was conducted to find out the levels of reading comprehension skills of the second year high school students of Dipolog City Division for S.Y. 2008-2009. Significant difference on the levels of reading comprehension skills of the students when group according to sex, educational attainment and the type and exposure to varied media were also determined. The researcher made use of a teacher made tests.  Statistical tools like Percentage, Weighted Mean and F-test (ANNOVA) were used to answer the objectives of this investigation. Results showed that of the three levels of the reading comprehension, Application and Integration obtained the highest weighted mean of 56.02 with a verbal interpretation of Poor. While inferential level obtained a weighted mean of 55.71 with a verbal interpretation of Poor. Whereas in the critical level, the students obtained only a weighted mean of 39.43 with a verbal interpretation of Very Poor.  When taken as a whole, the Reading Comprehension levels of the second year high school students of the randomly selected secondary schools of Dipolog City enrolled during the S.Y. 2008-2009 obtained a grand mean of 50.39 with a verbal interpretation of Poor. Also the study revealed that the respondents were sometimes exposed to the following media: print, broadcast and Information Technology.

Finally, there were no significant difference found in the levels of reading comprehension skills when grouped according to sex, educational attainment of parents,  and type of exposure to varied media.

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Third parties can make use of this publication by visiting the library of the school where I graduated, the Andres Bonifacio College, College Park, Dipolog City, Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines or they can contact me personally  or thru internet.

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by joselito tizon from Philippines on 20-Feb-2011 12:12.
Abstract has been viewed 7831 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

joselito tizon Contact Details: Email: jostiz69@rocketmail.com Phone: 09053346694

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