Teleworking - A balance between work and social life
Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: Masters in Business Administration
Institution / University: University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Published in: 2010
Teleworking is still in its embryonic stage in Malta, even thought its implementation is highly encouraged by the European Union (EU).
This quantitative research study was conducted among MEPA (Malta Environment and Planning Authority) employees. The results show that there is willingness for teleworking to be adopted. However, a lot of importance was given to the fact that for teleworking to be successful it should be implemented holistically and based on an agreed teleworking policy. The study has also indicated that the main resistance to implementing telework is not due to lack of trust but can rather be attributed to three factors. These are bias from supervisors and managers; frequent contact with clients; and the supervisors' concerns that teleworking would disrupt teamwork.
The study has also revealed that it is not only women caring for young children that need flexible working arrangements, but in fact, it is actually men who are finding it more difficult to balance work and social life. The importance of flexible working conditions to enhance work-life balance options has been further highlighted with results showing that MEPA would benefit by having less staff turnover and that its employees would be encouraged to further their studies thus enabling it to have a more learned workforce.
This paper provides an overview of the current work practices at MEPA, the opinions of employees and supervisors with regards teleworking and the need for work-life balance options thus aiding management in drafting a Teleworking Policy. A set of recommendations that would enable the successful implementation of teleworking at MEPA have also been provided.
Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
teleworking, balance, work, social life, trust, teamwork, flexible, work-life balance, teleworking policy
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Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Karen Vella from Malta on 16-Feb-2011 08:12.
Abstract has been viewed 3831 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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