
Freedom for the Unfree: A Counter-discourse of Postcoloniality in "In a Free State"  

Abstract Category: Arts
Course / Degree: MA in English
Institution / University: Tribhuvan University/RR Campus, Nepal
Published in: 2005

Dissertation Abstract / Summary:

The objective of this study is to expore the situation of freedom in the lives of Naipaulian fictional beings in India, in Africa or in Metropolitan settings of London and Washington DC, and the qualities they possess that entitle them the freedom to be free in his novel In a Free State.

A brief survey of different dimensions of freedom--political, psychological, economical, scientific and philosophical in the lives of central characters-Santosh the Indian, Dayo the West Indian, and Bobby and Linda, two English expatriates is made into four chapters of this research work. The protagonists are in a free fictional state with their differences in temperament, education, and experience in separate five sections of the novel In a Free State.

In the fragments of novel, Naipaul plays the roles of both the imperialized and imperialist because it is the freedom of the author and his character. Naipaul, in other words, grants freedom to his fictional beings with one hand, and snatches it autocratically away with the other. 
This writing is a critical analysis of the novelist V.S. Naipaul and his work In a Free State.

Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
VS Naipaul, In a Free State, Krishna Bista, Postcoloniality

This Dissertation Abstract may be cited as follows:
Bista, Krishna (2005). Freedom for the Unfree: A Counter-discourse of Postcoloniality in "In a Free State". Master's Thesis, Kathmandu: Tribhuvan University.

Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Krishna K. Bista from Nepal on 20-Dec-2010 04:11.
Abstract has been viewed 4162 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Krishna K. Bista Contact Details: Email: kbista1@hotmail.com

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