
Educated, Westernized and Unfulfilled: A Woman's Life in The Thousand Faces of the Night  

Abstract Category: Arts
Course / Degree: none
Institution / University: Tribhuvan University/RR Campus, Nepal
Published in: 2008

Report Abstract / Summary:

After the 1950's, a handful of Indian woman novelists writing in English appeared in India. Anita Desai, Shashi Deshpade, Geeta Dharmarajan, Bharati Mukherjee and Githa Hariharan are some of them. They are educated and write about different women in Indian society who show a wide spectrum of colours. Githa Hariharan, having been educated in America and having learnt Western values, is the author of The Thousand Faces of the Night (1992). In her novel The Thousand Faces of the Night, Devi, the protagonist, is an educated and westernized Indian woman but her desires are unfulfilled in modern Indian life. Her chosen world as she returns from America gets complicated as she seeks to go alone in her life. Gradually her life turns from one mishap to growing nightmare. She finds her world full of myth, history, love and penance.

My paper focuses on the life style of an educated and westernized woman whose life is unfulfilled socially, emotionally and in terms of physical needs. Devi, the central character of this novel, spends a long period while in her course of study in America and assimilates to the culture abroad. Upon her arrival to her hometown in Madras, a Metropolis of India, Sita, her mother, arranges her marriage with Mahesh, a regional manager of a multinational company that makes detergents and toothpaste. But she finds herself confined in a male-ridden world, and realizes her western education and culture have made her unable to relinquish her desire for love, life and sex within this world. To escape this, she flirts with Gopal, a singer. Yet, she is unhappy and webs a net of myth, history and stories of women to create a meaning of life

Report Keywords/Search Tags:
LAN, Gita Hariharan, Indian Women in Literature,

This Report Abstract may be cited as follows:
Bista, K. (2008). Educated, Westernized and Unfulfilled: A Woman's Life in The Thousand Faces of the Night. Conference Paper. Kathmandu: Literary Association of Nepal.

Submission Details: Report Abstract submitted by Krishna K. Bista from Nepal on 20-Dec-2010 03:53.
Abstract has been viewed 5659 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Krishna K. Bista Contact Details: Email: kbista1@hotmail.com

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