Factors of Code Switching among Bilingual English Students In the University Classroom
Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: none
Institution / University: Arkansas State University-Jonesboro Campus, United States
Published in: 2010
This study proposes to identify and evaluate the factors that affect code switching in the university classroom among 15 bilingual international students. The findings from the study conducted in a southern American university revealed that the primary factor of code switching in international classroom is incompetence in the second language. Other noted factors were: to maintain privacy; to make it easier to speak in their own language than to speak in English; to avoid misunderstanding; being unfamiliar with similar words in English. However, code switching can be a useful strategy in classroom interaction if the aim is to make meaning clear and to transfer the knowledge to students in an efficient way.
Magazine/Journal Keywords/Search Tags:
Factors of Code Switching among Bilingual English Students In the University Classroom
This Magazine/Journal Abstract may be cited as follows:
As in APA 6th Ed.
Bista, K. (2010). Factors of Code Switching among Bilingual English Students in the University Classroom: A Survey. Journal of English for Specific Purposes World , 29 (9).
Submission Details: Magazine/Journal Abstract submitted by Krishna K. Bista from United States on 20-Dec-2010 03:45.
Abstract has been viewed 4467 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
Krishna K. Bista Contact Details: Email: kbista1@hotmail.com
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