
Impact of Academic Motivation and Perceptions of Classroom Climate on Academic Achievement  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Ph D
Institution / University: Andhra University, India
Published in: 2010

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The present investigation was an attempt to determine the impact of Academic Motivation and Perceptions of Classroom Climate on Academic Achievement. Various studies were reviewed both related to Indian and foreign and comprises of Academic Motivation, Academic Achievement, Classroom Climate and different combinations of them. Descriptive Survey method has been used in this study.

The sample consists of 480 students from North Coastal Andhra Region using non-proportionate Stratified Random Sampling Method. Students completed two questionnaires namely Motivated Strategies of Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) and Classroom Life Instrument (CLI), both the tools were used in modified versions. The data were analyzed using various statistical methods like correlation, t-test, ANOVA and Regression by SPSS package. The percentage of marks obtained by the students in their half-yearly exams was made use of this study under Academic Achievement. Their responses were correlated with Academic Achievement. The scores obtained by different groups were compared across the variables like Class, Sex, Area, Management and District and selected aspects of Classroom Climate Co-operative Learning, Individualistic Learning, Competitive Learning, Feeling of Alienation from School and Social Support.

The results indicated that there is a positive strong correlation among Academic Motivation, Perceptions of Classroom Climate and Academic Achievement. Positive impact was found. Girls, Rural, Government students were found to be at low scores and were to be improved in various aspects. The results were discussed in light of previous research studies; Implications and Recommendations for further research were also suggested.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Academic Motivation, Classroom Climate, Academic Achievement

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Lakshmana Rao, S. V. (2010) "Impact of Academic Motivation and Perceptions of Classroom Climate on Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students of North Coastal Andhra Region" Unpublished Thesis. 

Thesis Images:
Education - Impact of Academic Motivation and Perceptions of Classroom Climate on Academic Achievement LAXMAN.JPG
(click to enlarge)


Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by SV Lakshmana Rao from India on 12-Dec-2010 11:39.
Abstract has been viewed 6286 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

SV Lakshmana Rao Contact Details: Email: laxman-vijju@yahoo.com

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