An Architecture for an Ur-Universe: Sequential Universal Events
Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: Ph.D. in Physics
Institution / University: Northwestern International University, Denmark
Published in: 2003
The dissertation will address the concept of a pre-Big Bang universe that is older than the traditional 13.7 billion years given the current Big Bang model of nucleogenesis. Many large scale structures of the universe, planets and galaxy's, are much older than the 13.7 billion years given for the current timeline of a singular Big Bang theory of universe creation. The monograph is based on current observed data taken from astronomy and space science to develop a model of a proto-universe that gives a more realist time frame for early development of many old large scale structures found in the universe.
Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
Phyiscs, Cosmology, Pre-Big Bang & Proto-Universe
This Dissertation Abstract may be cited as follows:
Tice, B.S. (2003) An Architecture for an Ur-Universe: Sequential Universal Events. Unpublished Manuscript. (Honorary)Physics Doctor of Philosophy Dissertation: Northwestern International University, Denmark.
Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Bradley Tice from United States on 18-Nov-2010 19:30.
Abstract has been viewed 2878 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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