Impact of Language and Cultures towards Customer Satisfaction in the Competitiveness of the Thai Tourism Industry
Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: PhD in Management
Institution / University: School of Management/ Shinawatra International University, Thailand
Published in: 2010
Language and cultures become more and more important parts towards customer satisfaction. Understanding them well will never unsatisfy with some complex mistakes. The purposes of this paper are to study international tourists and tour company managers on customer satisfaction in the competitiveness of the Thai tourism industry with respect to the perspectives on the language roles on customer satisfaction, the language roles in culture, the establishment and maintenance of competitiveness. In-depth, face-to-face qualitative interview were engaged with a convenience sample of 42 international tourists and 32 tour company managers. A semi-structured interview form was created as a research instrument by the researchers in an attempt to acquire information to answer the research questions. The results concentrate on language, cultures, establishment and maintenance of competitiveness of the Thai tourism industry. The results also revealed that travelling in Thailand is entirely secure. It is recommended that organizations should emphasize the significance of the language and cultures that can satisfy the international tourists or customers.
Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
competitiveness; customer satisfaction; impact of language and cultures; language roles; quality of service; tourism industry
This Paper Abstract may be cited as follows:
Thitthongkam, T. and Walsh, J. (2010). Impact of Language and Cultures towards Customer Satisfaction in the Competitiveness of the Thai Tourism Industry. Bangkok: Shinawatra International University.
Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Thavorn Thitthongkam & John Walsh from Thailand on 28-Aug-2010 05:43.
Abstract has been viewed 3082 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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