
The Economic & Profitability Impact of Mergers & Acquisitions among Banks in Lebanon  

Abstract Category: Accounts and Economics
Course / Degree: PhD
Institution / University: International Washington University, United States
Published in: 2010

Dissertation Abstract / Summary:

The Lebanese banking industry is one of most prosperous and flourishing industries in Lebanon. Despite the political and economic turbulence that strikes this country, this industry remains solid and prosperous. Mergers and Acquisitions had their direct positive impact on the performance of this industry despite some repercussions. This study that applies the operating performance approach,examines the effects of nine mergers on the operating efficiency & profitability of acquiring banks in the two years following consolidation. It observes the changes in a set of financial ratios, from the year preceding the merger to the two years following the merger, relative to peer groups.Furthermore, the analysis investigations a variety of performance variables unrelated to the merger, or direct consequences of the merger, which could have affected efficiency in the post-merger period. The evidence is mixed with no witnessed improvement in operating efficiency at least in this study period. But on average, the mergers have achieved some objectives, bearing in mind that some are not evident in the short term: first, cost reductions especially evident in the labor cost, though, more likely, they have been disguised by other heavy expenses owing to investments in information technology & merger-related costs on top are costs of integration. The merger of two financial entities always involves risks, but also presents opportunities. When the merger is between two major banks that are leaders in their industries, these factors are magnified. As such, the respective managing teams must have the foresight and perform the due diligence to ensure that the merger has the potential to be successful. In this regard, management must identify issues that would impede the success of a merger, especially one on a local and international scale.

Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
Banking, Acquisitions, Impact

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Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Rami Saleh from United Arab Emirates on 15-Aug-2010 05:44.
Abstract has been viewed 3747 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Rami Saleh Contact Details: Email: ayoub1@live.com.au

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