The Development of English Writing Skills Using Communicative Exercises on the Internet
Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: MA (TEFL)
Institution / University: Sripatum University, Thailand
Published in: 2010
The objectives of this research were to study the utilization of communicative exercises on the Internet for writing skill development of students to approach the university criteria, and to study the students satisfaction towards studying English of students after using the communicative exercises on the Internet. The sample for this research consisted of 100 students who took Grammar and Writing Skills Course. They were obtained by purposive sampling. The instruments used were (1) lesson plans, (2) a student behavior observation form, (3) communicative exercises, (4) pre-test and post-test, and (5) a questionnaire on student’s satisfaction with studying English. The statistics used to analyze the data were (1) percentage (%), (2) means, 3) standard deviation (S.D.), and (4) t-test for independent sample (pair). The research results indicated that communicative exercises on the Internet supported improving students’ writing skills, and assisted 99 percent of the samples to pass the course based on the university criteria. Based on the information from student behavior observation, it indicated that students had better motivation in studying English, and always performed writing skills. The learning effectiveness is significant at the level of .05. Satisfaction with studying English after using communicative exercise was positive. The student satisfaction with learning English after using the communicative exercises on the Internet was at the level of strong satisfaction (mean=4.319) or 86.38 percent. However, the students’ writing skills revealed some problems. The problems are about word usage, sentence patterns, and tenses. The problems include skills on using technology and the Internet.
Report Keywords/Search Tags:
Writing, English writing, Writing skill development, Communicative exercises, Studying and teaching on the Internet
This Report Abstract may be cited as follows:
Thitthongkam, T. (2010). The Development of English Writing Skills Using Communicative Exercises on the Internet. Bangkok: Sripatum University.
Submission Details: Report Abstract submitted by Thavorn Thitthongkam from Thailand on 06-Aug-2010 03:55.
Abstract has been viewed 16410 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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