
Accounting for Youth Voluntary Organizations  

Abstract Category: Accounts and Economics
Course / Degree: B. Accty (Hons)
Institution / University: University of Malta, Malta
Published in: 2002

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The Maltese youth generation is under scrutiny all the time, but one of the most positive factors is the altruism shown and active participation in youth voluntary organizations.

Since the number of youth organizations is relatively impressive, it is important to examine the financial issues that are present in the local scenario. Although these youth groups are voluntary, they collect and administer money donated from the public. It is of utmost importance for these groups to be accountable for their activities and spending, since they are using other people’s monies.

The study aims, with the aid of a questionnaire, to reveal the current experience of Maltese youth organizations, and compare their practices with the requirements needed from their foreign counterparts. In Malta, still there is no legislation regulating voluntary groups, although such a law is being drafted. On the other hand, foreign states have various laws and accounting standards regulating such not-for-profit organizations.

The Questionnaire analysed the accounting knowledge of local youth organizations, together with other financial data relative to such groups. It reveals that although such youth groups maintain some form of accounts, knowledge of financial results is very restrained. In fact, no group in the sample surveyed said that it publishes its accounts to the public, even if they contribute significant amounts to the organization.

As regards to the certification of accounts, groups are taking the responsibility to conduct audits or independent examinations of financial statements. Such practice is being encouraged and required by donors of funds.

The study makes a number of conclusions and recommendations by which accounting in youth voluntary organizations can be improved.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Accounting, Youth, Voluntary, Organizations, non-profit, NFP

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Scicluna A. (2002) Accounting for Youth Voluntary Organizations, Unpublished Dissertation at the University of Malta

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Adrian Scicluna from Malta on 15-Oct-2003 19:38.
Abstract has been viewed 2788 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Adrian Scicluna Contact Details: Email: adriansc@vol.net.mt

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