
Economic Asessment on the Production and Marketing Practices used by Tilapia Farmers in the Municipality of Esperanza, Agusan del Sur  

Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: B.S. Agribusiness
Institution / University: Agusan del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology, Philippines
Published in: 2009

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The study was aimed to (1) evaluate the demographic profile of the respondents, (2) identify the common problems encountered by the tilapia producers in tilapia culture, (3) determine the marketing practices used by tilapia farmers in selling their products, (4) identify the problems encountered in marketing tilapia and (5) find out the net income per production cycle. Most tilapia farmers were between 43-47 years old, males, married and having 6-10 children, elementary level, visayan dialect and Roman Catholic devotees. The primary sources of income were rice and corn farming, only few considered tilapia farming as the main source of income. Most of them were owners/operators of tilapia fish cage production and considered it as secondary source of income having fish cage average area of 301-400 sq. m. Source of fingerlings were coming directly from BFAR region 13, while some acquired fingerlings through Municipal Agriculture Office. In the construction of fish cage, they utilized bamboos as frame and floaters while nylon nets as screen. Generally, they fed tilapia with commercial feeds while others utilized rice bran as the main ingredient of home-made feeds. Common problem met by tilapia farmers were lack of financing for making the cage and lack of supply of fingerlings. Majority of the tilapia producers practiced contact/kumprada system of marketing the product. Some favored direct selling when small quantity was harvested and sold at Bayugan City as thier market outlet. A problem encountered in selling was low price (farmgate price) by the contractor/kumprador. Majority incurred P10,000.00-P19,000.00 cost of production while their gross sales ranges between P20,000.00-29,000.00 which could have gross net income of P8,000.00-P13,000.00 for five to six months.

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Gerny Baldono from Philippines on 13-Jul-2010 09:41.
Abstract has been viewed 3034 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Gerny Baldono Contact Details: Email: magna-carta2008@yahoo.com Phone: 09087675815

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