
Determinants of Research Dissemination and Utilization in State Higher Education Institutions in Region IV, Philippines  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Ph.D. in Education major in EducationL Management
Institution / University: Romblon State University, Odiongan, Romblon, Philippines, Philippines
Published in: 2010

Paper Abstract / Summary:

The study focused on the determinants that determine research dissemination and utilization in State Higher Education Institutions in Region IV, Philippines. The needed data were collected using the survey questionnaire. The statistical tools such as weighted mean, standard deviation, frequency counts, percentage, ranks, and stepwise multiple regression analysis were used in the study. The respondents involved 289 informants; 67 of them were administrators completely enumerated, and 222 faculty members chosen by stratified proportional random sampling. Descriptive findings on research dissemination indicated that there is a need to strengthen the scheme of effective communication or diffusion of research outputs. However, findings on research utilization reveal to the much extent of its user but it calls for a mechanism to monitor and evaluate research utilization. Regression relationship analysis showed that there is significant relationship between research dissemination and research rewards, position, age, leadership skills, library facilities, agenda and priorities in research, goals and objectives in research and foreign funds. While, research utilization is predicted by their attitudes and interest in research, research networks and linkages, age, research training and library and library facilities, holdings and materials.

Paper Keywords/Search Tags:
Research Improvement, human and material resource factors, research dissemination and utilization

This Paper Abstract may be cited as follows:
Fetalver, Mario Jr. Determinants of Research Dissemination and Utilization in State Higher Education Institutions in Region IV, Philippines. 2010.

Submission Details: Paper Abstract submitted by Mario A. Fetalver, Jr. from Philippines on 29-Jun-2010 17:06.
Abstract has been viewed 4171 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Mario A. Fetalver, Jr. Contact Details: Email: mario30phd@yahoo.com

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