
The Impact of EU Membership on SME Internationalisation: the Case of the Furniture Industry in Malta  

Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: MSc International Marketing
Institution / University: University of Malta, Malta
Published in: 2003

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

In the run up to the general elections of 12th April 2003 and the EU referendum of the 8th March 2003 in Malta, much uncertainty existed in the country’s main sectors, particularly the manufacturing ones, on the future of SMEs, which make up a large proportion of the country’s business. Among the business community there were serious doubts on whether SMEs were capable of facing increased competition, when, and if, the local market would open up to the larger EU market. There where doubts on whether SMEs were actually ready to face this larger market and whether they would grasp opportunities or let them slip by.

Support structures have been in place for some time for a number of years as part of the government’s efforts to educate the business community in matters relating to the EU and also to provide a support framework for SMEs for their informational and funding needs. Whether these structures are functioning properly or not, and whether they are doing what they were set to do, and whether SMEs are actually benefiting from their existence, needs to be seen.

This dissertation investigates, through primary research, the above issues and, to a lesser extent, also attempts to see whether Maltese SMEs can, and have, learnt anything from the Greek experience of EU membership. In this dissertation the furniture sector was studied since it has been forecast that this sector will be the hardest hit by EU membership. Three samples were used in this study: SMEs in the furniture industry where given a quantitative questionnaire; exporting SMEs in the furniture industry where given in-depth interviews; and finally the opinions of experts in Maltese trade policy where gathered through the use of in-depth interviews.

The findings of this dissertation are rather bleak. In summary, most SMEs do not seem to be prepared for EU membership, both mentally and structurally, and seem to refuse to internationalise as opportunities present themselves. Sources of assistance such as government agencies are not perceived as doing a good job mainly due to the belief of SMEs that agencies do not make policy based on the voice of the industry. Also, most SMEs are not aware on how to go about getting aid from the EU.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
SME Internationalisation, EU Membership, furniture industry, Malta

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Borg-Cardona A. (2003), The Impact of EU Membership on SME Internationalisation: the Case of the Furniture Industry in Malta, MSc International Marketing Dissertation, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Albert Borg-Cardona from Malta on 15-Oct-2003 16:43.
Abstract has been viewed 2710 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Albert Borg-Cardona Contact Details: Email: albertbc@melita.netl

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