
Socio-economic Impacts of Selected Technological Educational Institutions in Metro Manila: Towards a Public Service Delivery Model  

Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: Doctor of Public Administration
Institution / University: Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Philippines
Published in: 2007

Dissertation Abstract / Summary:

This study aimed at determining the “Socio-Economic Impacts of Selected Technological Educational Institutions in Metro Manila: Towards a Public Service Delivery Model”.

Specifically, this dissertation sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the profiles of the technological educational institutions according to:

1.1 Population
1.2 Number of campus
1.3 Year of existence
1.4 Courses offered
1.5 Number of Faculty

2. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in the following dimensions:

2.1 Age
2.2 Sex
2.3 Civil Status
2.4 Occupation
2.5 Educational level
2.6 Monthly family income level
2.7 Religious affiliation
2.8 Length of stay in the barangay

3. How do the respondents agree on the social impacts of the technological educational institutions according to:

3.1 Social approval
3.2 Safety
3.3 Social status/standing
3.4 Social Identification
3.5 Social Dependency

4. How do the respondents agree on the economic impacts of the technological educational institutions according to:

4.1 Economic influence
4.2 Economic growth
4.3 Economic perspective
4.4 Economic standing
4.5 Property/business values

5. What social conflicts in the community were brought about by the existence of these technological educational institutions?

6. What are the other suggestions and recommendations of the respondents to strengthen the socio-economic impacts of technological educational institutions in your barangay?

7. Based on the findings of the study, what public sector delivery model can the researcher propose to improve education services provided by technological educational institutions?

Dissertation Keywords/Search Tags:
Public administration, metro Manila

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Submission Details: Dissertation Abstract submitted by Ronan S. Estoque from Philippines on 08-Mar-2009 10:33.
Abstract has been viewed 2962 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Ronan S. Estoque Contact Details: Email: ronanestoque03@yahoo.com

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