
New Security Threats and the Security Council; Climate Change as a Threat to Peace and Security  

Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: Master thesis in International relations
Institution / University: University of Iceland, Iceland
Published in: 2009

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The post Cold War Security Council has been experiencing an unprecedented change in the security environment. New security threats, such as climate change, have emerged and the question is if the Security Council has the skills, competence and the will to deal with them.

Security in broader terms is examined to set the foundation for the discussion on the new security spectrum which has replaced the traditional security spectrum of the Cold War. Climate change provides an example on how new security threats have materialized and no less how the Security Council has been dealing with them. An optimal scenario on how the Council could deal with climate change and new security threats, as well a more realistic scenario based on the current geopolitical realities, are finally presented.

The conclusion is that the Security Council is working on the basis of the new security spectrum and does have the skills and competence to deal with these new security threats, including the threat posed by climate change. However, the main question seems to evolve around the will of the Council which ultimately lies with the member states of the UN and the Council, though in particular with the five permanent members.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Climate change, Security Council, New security threats, Climate change as a security threat

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Thorsson, Thorvardur Atli. New Security Threats and the Security Council; Climate Change as a Threat to Peace and Security. University of Iceland, 2009

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Thorvardur Atli Thorsson from Iceland on 19-Jan-2009 05:16.
Abstract has been viewed 2436 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Thorvardur Atli Thorsson Contact Details: Email: thorvard@hi.is

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