Does a demographic characteristic matter among Jordanian consumer ethnocentrism?
Abstract Category: Accounts and Economics
Course / Degree: PhD
Institution / University: University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
Published in: 2008
Despite the progress on globalization, have we reached an era where geographical borders become less important as consumers across nations are becoming more homogeneous? As globalization forces intensified, are consumers concerned which country produces the product? To which extent consumers prefer domestic products as opposed to foreign? This study attempts to investigate level of consumer ethnocentrism among Jordanian consumers, and determining how the demographic characteristics can affect on the consumer ethnocentrism. Level of Jordanian consumers’ ethnocentrism is found to be 3.513 (mean score). This is quiet low compare to other countries. Also we found high income and high level of education can negatively effect on consumer ethnocentrism, where job sector or ages have no significant effect.
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Abbas Natheir Albarq from Jordan on 12-Jan-2009 09:00.
Abstract has been viewed 2422 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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