
Destination Attributes that Attract International Tourists to Visit Da Nang city, Viet Nam  

Abstract Category: Other Categories
Course / Degree: MBA in International Business
Institution / University: University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce, Thailand
Published in: 2008

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

The focus of research was placed on the important attributes of destination in the context of Da Nang, a central region city of Viet Nam. A model adapted from Lichen Zhou (2005) was established to express how these important attributes impact on the selection of destination, and through the perceived satisfaction with important attributes, affect the intention of international tourists to revisit Da Nang city in the future. Destination image variable was also included in the adapted model to further understand about its influence on the choice of destination and revisit intention of tourists. Data was collected from 399 international tourists (100% of the total sample) who travelled to Da Nang.

The result of this empirical study identified 10 important attributes of Da Nang. Nine of these ten important attributes and destination image of Da Nang were found significantly important to destination selection of international tourists. It also found significant correlations between each of nine important attributes and pre-visit image of destination.

The factor analysis grouped 8 important attributes into three underlying factors which are labeled as entertainment, personal safety and landscape. Two important attributes “tourism information” and “located nearly to World Heritage Sites” with low factor loadings (below .05) were dropped from path analysis. Regression analyses showed positive correlations between attribute satisfaction and destination satisfaction, between destination satisfaction and post-visit image of destination, and between revisit intention with destination satisfaction and post-visit image of destination. Path analysis showed the causal relationship among them. Total effects also indicated for each of the relationships.

The results of this empirical study present a clear picture of the destination attributes that attract international tourists to visit Da Nang. Some recommendations are proposed to the Da Nang authorities relating to tourism promoting programs of Da Nang city in the World Heritages Sites, an effective allocation of resources into the strengthen destination attributes and the raising of management’s perception about the causal relationship from satisfaction with destination attributes to revisit intention through intervening variables overall satisfaction and post-visit image of destination.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Tourism marketing, destination attribute, destination image, destination selection, tourist satisfaction, Da Nang, Viet Nam

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Tien Nguyen C. (2008), "Destination Attributes that Attract International Tourists to Visit Da Nang city, Viet Nam", unpublished MBA Thesis, University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Nguyen Cong Tien from Vietnam on 03-Jan-2009 18:46.
Abstract has been viewed 3461 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Nguyen Cong Tien Contact Details: Email: congtiensnv@yahoo.com

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