Perceived Effectiveness of EnglishTeaching Strategies in Selected Public and Private Schools in Chonburi, Thailand
Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: MEd in Educational Administration
Institution / University: St. Theresa INTI College, Thailand
Published in: 2009
This study was conducted to investigate and analyze the perceived effectiveness of English teaching strategies in students’ communication skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in public and private schools in Chon Buri, Thailand. The study sought to answer the research question: “Is there a significant difference in the perceptions of the public and private secondary school English teachers towards the effectiveness of English teaching strategies in students’ communication skills?” The research used descriptive statistics to analyze the data from the questionnaire to provide answer to the research question. There were thirty four (34) English teachers from the private and thirty six (36) English teachers from the public for a total of seventy (70) teachers who served as respondents of the study. T- test was used to determine the significant difference in the perceptions of the private and public school English teachers. The data revealed that, at 0.05 level of significance, there was a very high significant difference in the perceptions of secondary English teachers in the public and private schools towards the effectiveness of the English teaching strategies in students’ communication skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills. The levels of significant difference were as follows: listening skills (0.031); speaking skills (0.005); reading skills (0.017) and writing skills (0.001).
Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Teaching Strategies;Perceived Effectiveness of EnglishTeaching Strategies ; Effective Teaching Strategies; Communication Skills
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Dario Abdullah Mando from Thailand on 28-Dec-2008 15:25.
Abstract has been viewed 5282 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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