
Value Contexts in The Culture of Science and The Role of Egyptian Universities in Developing them for their Students  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Ph.D
Institution / University: Mansoura University, Egypt
Published in: 2008

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

Unseen contemporary global scientific and technological changes rapidly, and those changes have affected all aspects of human life, and notably the impact on the culture and identity. So has played scientific and technological revolution big role in restructuring the pattern Values of the cultures of peoples.
And it has emerged the need to clarify the moral and value contexts in the applications of science and its results and that the search for value context and signs recruitment results in a human world.

Thus was working on activating the value function of the University through emphasis on human and social dimension in space science, and attention was Dimension Values in the preparation of students, and work to raise awareness of values and ethics related to science and technology and acting bug control the march of scientific progress.
And this is sought by the current study, and following is a summary of what happened in this study.

The problem of The study:

Her current study disclosure the role of Egyptian universities in the development of value contexts in the culture of science among their students, and the other to identify the type and nature of the problems that hinder the university - in Egypt - from achieving their role in this area, and also identify the requirements and means of developing Value contexts in the culture of science for students in the university.

The study identified the problem in an attempt to answer the following question:
"What the contributions expected from Egyptian universities in the development of value contexts in the culture of science for their students?"

And this question subdivided following questions:

  1. What is a value context in the culture of science means, in the light of Islamic thought and Western thought?
  2. What is the role of Egyptian university in developing value contexts in the culture of science for their students?
  3. What are the forces and factors influencing the development of value contexts in the culture of science for Egyptian universities students?
  4. What is the type and nature of the problems that hinder the Egyptian University to achieve its role in the development of value contexts in the culture of science for their students?
  5. What are the requirements needed to enrich the Egyptian university's role in the development of value contexts in the culture of science for university students?

The importance of the study:
The importance of the current study in it:

  • Trying to elucidate the basic parameters of the culture of science in accordance with the privacy of our Egyptian input to improve the effectiveness the scientific and value function of the Egyptian University.
  • Seeks to detect features of the Egyptian University's role in the development of value contexts in the culture of science for its students, and so out of / affirmation of the privacy of civilization and cultural identity of the Egyptian society.

Tools of the study:

  1. A list of standards for value contexts in the culture of science in Egyptian society - Preparing researcher - to identify the basic parameters of the value contexts in the culture of science in line with the cultural specificity of the Egyptian society.
  2. A questionnaire to universities students about the concept of the culture of science and its importance, and the Egyptian university's role in the development of value contexts in the culture of science for university students?
  3. A questionnaire to universities staff members about the concept of the culture of science and its importance, and the contribution of Egyptian universities in the development of value contexts in the culture of science and the problems that hinder it and proposals for solutions.

The study sample:
The sample of this study was stratified random manner so as to be representative of the universities in Egypt, has been keen researcher on the study sample that includes two main categories:
- Staff members at universities and numbered (186).
- University students: the final years and numbered (776).

And from the following universities:
- Ain Shams University: Colleges (Education - Arts - Science) - Urban environment.
- Mansoura University: Colleges (Education - Arts - Medicine) - Semi urban environment.
- Suez Canal University (Branch Port Said): Colleges (Education - Commerce - Engineering) - Coastal environment.

The plan of study:
It includes two axes:
A – The Theoretical Framework:
It is the theoretical study and includes a study defined as follows:
• A study of the theory of the nature of the culture of science, and value contexts in the culture of science (the concept, considerations, dimensions).
• A study of the theory about the role of the university between Egyptian culture and science informatics problems, and functional role of the Egyptian University in the development of value contexts in the culture of science for its students.
B –The Field study:
It aims to identify the reality of value contexts in the culture of science to the Egyptian university students, and the Egyptian university's role in the development of value contexts in the culture of science for university students, and the problems that hinder the achievement of this role and requirements of activating the university's role in this Area.

Results of the study:
1 - From the theoretical study: It was stated that:
• The concept of "the culture of science" in the current study reflects the "holistic view of science, which identifies priorities and orientations and affect the content and curriculum, and governing humanitarian actors in their interaction with science and valuable in the light pattern Values of a culture of the community".
• The concept of "value contexts in the culture of science" through the current study means that "intellectual frameworks governing the group elements that constitute the fundamentals of" values, science, society, "and determined in the light of the features of vision to interact with scientific and technological developments contemporary".
• Egyptian universities have the means and possibilities as to enable them to play their part in achieving real value function.
2 – From the Field study: has found that :
• The Egyptian universities - a sample study - not interested in the development of value contexts in the culture of science among students, since those dimensions achieved rates low.
• There are a number of reasons which call for increasing the effectiveness of the role of Egyptian universities in the development of value contexts in the culture of science among students, including:
The definition of students significance of social / cultural practice of science, The tyranny of the material side on the scientific and cultural value in the life of the individual and society , The vision of the Arab and Muslim mind for scientific and technological development issues, The challenges of scientific and technological progress and the impact of changes and impacts on Values and moral side to the individual and society, Face the problems of globalization through the cultural emphasis on the cultural role of universities.
• That there is a set of forces and factors influencing the development of value contexts in the culture of science among the university students are:

University environment (climate university), The role of staff members, including what they learn and carry of the values, The scientific and cultural sources of scientific culture (scientific journals and books, scientists conduct ,......), The media (press, radio, television, .......), Dealing with the international information network Internet, Home (family environment), The contradiction between what is found in Egyptian society from lack of appreciation of the value of science and scientists, and their attention between what is and is deployed in the scientific community to In the world.
• There are some problems that hinder some university professors on the performance of their role in the development of value contexts in the culture of science among the university students, namely:

Lack of a Staff member of the university faculties clarifying moral and social significance of the material taught by him, and their importance in building the individual and society, The ambiguity of the concept of the culture of science among some professors and limited knowledge of some scientific information as a kind of scientific culture, Thought alienation among some professors Affecting the development of the value contexts associated with cultural heritage and privacy of our Egyptian civilization, many burdens borne by the university professor in the university, and not able to estimate values of the special considerations of science and ethics.
• There are a range of problems that are related to the university curriculum and teaching methods associated with it and prevent its development of value contexts in the culture of science among students in the university, are:

Inadequate structure of the curriculum in addressing the many issues in the light of the scientific community linked to culture, Heedless of the curriculum to emphasize the concept of self-learning, and adopt the policy of indoctrination, Formulate scientific curriculum in the form of monotonous than weaken the relationship with a student of science, Weak trend in Values curriculum Towards the root values of science and culture of science.
• There is a range of problems that are related to university student and manners and prevent its value contexts in the culture of science emanating from the self and cultural identity, are:

Lack of clarity of ideology community in dealing with science class that will enable university student from a combination of scientific values and religious values and social system in an intellectual package, The inability to separate the tools of scientific progress in Western society, science and technology between the negative effects on different aspects of society , Weak awareness of the relationship of the university student of science and technology community and the lives of individuals, as the West source of scientific progress and the need to keep pace and the value of assimilation, and that as collateral for the scientific theories of science and technology innovations in Western society.
• There is a variety of reasons, which reduces the effectiveness of university management in achieving its role in the development of value contexts in the culture of science among students in the university, is:
Lack of a conceptual framework draws movement towards meeting the requirements of the university scientific and cultural development of society, The university 's interest in limiting the numbers of scientific and academic preparation of students for scientific inefficiency in different disciplines, Software failures associated with direction and guidance of scientific and Values for university students, Including minors school year does not Aspects of his possible interest in scientific and cultural development of students.
• There is a range of ways in which to develop value contexts in the culture of science in University students are:
Attempt to highlight the aspect of Applied Science in the face of ethics problems of contemporary society, organizing seminars to clarify the nature of an intellectual perspective of Islamic culture and science associated value contexts, Increased attention to educational and cultural orientation of the various student activities, some study material culture of science.
• There is a range of roles expected of Egyptian universities in the development of value contexts in the culture of science among students, are:
Composition of conduct citizenship and deepening sense of national belonging ,The future value of immunization in the light of the framework is guided by students and staff members, Development of culture and scientific knowledge to build power for university students, To preserve the cultural identity of Arab and Islamic source of creativity, Giving students sufficiency to achieve self-learning Growth of scientific and technical, Spreading the culture of human rights and the application of different standards of education for international understanding. 

In light of the demonstrated results of the study, it was possible to provide a set of proposals, including:
• Paying attention to officials to make scientific and cultural values platform for planning and implementing programs and activities within the university, including stresses the importance of the social perspective of a culture of science, and its role in guiding the conduct of the individual and society.
• The need to work to consolidate the concept of culture and science that is linked to the value contexts - also sponsored the current study - and makes it into the main objectives in the formulation of curriculum and university curricula, including the paradigm to the community and directions in dealing with science and their issues.
• Work to achieve integration and cooperation among all educational institutions and other community educational and which can contribute to the development of value contexts in the culture of science among students in the university.

• Activating the role of the media of different kinds - especially the Internet and satellite - to clarify the direction of intellectual issues of science and technology and associated of the value contexts of privacy in the light of civilization and cultural identity of our Egyptian and Arab and Islamic society.
And ends perception study a proposal to activate the Egyptian university's role in the development of value contexts in the culture of science among students.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Egyptian Universities, students

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Abdou Nada from Egypt on 21-Dec-2008 10:06.
Abstract has been viewed 3476 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Abdou Nada Contact Details: Email: abdou_nada@yahoo.co.uk

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