
The effect of Thrombolytic agents on Cardiac Enzymes, Creatinin Kinase and Creatinin MB, in Myocardial Infarction  

Abstract Category: Science
Course / Degree: MSc Nursing
Institution / University: Vinayaka Missions Deaned University, India
Published in: 2007

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

B.Pushpa Latha, M.S.N, “The effect of thrombolytic drugs on cardiac enzymes, Creatine Phospho kinase and Creatine Kinase -MB, in myocardial Infarction”, 2007

The purposes of the study were, to evaluate the effect of thrombolytic drugs on cardiac enzymes, to compare the effect of thrombolytic drugs and non thrombolytic drugs on cardiac enzymes, to determine the importance of thrombolytics for a patient with myocardial infarction and to suggest teaching guidelines to public regarding early seeking of medical help at the onset of chest pain.

The conceptual framework used in the study was based on Betty Neuman’s Systems Model.

This study uses the experimental design, the samples are selected as convenient sample, into two groups, the experimental and control groups. The clients who received thrombolytic agents within 6 hours of the onset of the chest pain are selected as an experimental group, and the clients who were presented late after 6 hours of the onset of the chest pain and not received thrombolytics, are selected as control group. All patients treated had the diagnosis of myocardial infarction confirmed by subsequent elevation of both Creatine Kinase [CK] and CK-MB isoenzymes levels. IV Metalyse is administered at a dose of 6000 units to 9000 units according to the weight of the patients.

The main finding of this study is the early peaking of the total CPK level and CK-MB Isoenzymes have identified with successful reperfusion after Metalyse therapy. The peak CPK levels reached in 12 hours and normalized within 24 hours time and CK-MB levels were shifted in 6 hours in the experimental group. Where as it took 3- 5 days for the enzyme levels to peak for clients in the control group

In conclusion, Based on Chi-Square, Null hypothesis rejected, Critical Value 14.56 P value < 0.05, showing that early thrombolytic treatment starting within 6 hours of the onset of the chest pain, significantly decreases the risk of further damage of the myocardium and oxygen demand, by the process of fall in peak levels of cardiac enzyme levels within 24 hours. Thus, adequate education in the hospitals and work places on causative and contributing factors, preventive measures of heart attacks and re heart attacks, is necessary.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Thrombolytic effects, Cardiac Enzymes, Creatinin Kinase, Myocardial Infarction

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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Battula Pushpa Latha from India on 18-Oct-2008 11:41.
Abstract has been viewed 3155 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Battula Pushpa Latha Contact Details: Email: tgpushpak@yahoo.co.in

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