Study of Essay Writing Abilities in English to Answer an Essay Question of the Fourth Year Undergraduate of English Major Students in Private Tertiary Education Institutions, Thailand
Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: English
Institution / University: Sripatum University, Thailand
Published in: 2008
The objectives of this research were to study the abilities and the problems of essay writing in English to answer an essay question of the fourth year undergraduate of English major students in private tertiary education institutions. The research focused on content presentation, language use, essay writing format, and writing components.
The sample for this research consisted of 226 students, as above. They came from a stratified random sampling of 544 students. The instruments used were 1) a content-validity form for selecting an essay question, 2) an essay question for testing each student’s ability to write essays in English to answer an essay question, and 3) a standardized marking criteria handbook of essay writing abilities in English to answer an essay question. The statistics used to analyze the data were 1) average values, and 2) standard deviation.
The research results indicated that students in the sample were able to write good essays in English to answer an essay question in accordance with the content presentation, the language use, the essay writing format, and the writing components.
Moreover, those students had the problems of essay writing in English to answer an essay question at the low level. However, the research results show that some students had problems in writing essays in English. The problems concerned writing format, content presentation, writing components, and language use respectively.
The problems of the essay writing format were the lack of paragraphing, the introduction, the body and conclusion, and drawing contrast between paragraphs.
The problems of the content presentation were the lack of creative idea, surprised ideas, giving clear examples to support the main idea, formulation of the main idea itself, unity of the contents, organization, and relevance to the essay question.
The problems of writing components were the lack of effectiveness, the presence of positiveness, conciseness, completeness, and standard punctuation and capitalization respectively.
The problems of language use were the lack of formality, the presence of appropriate words, sentence structures, spelling, and word order.
Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
writing, essay writing, English essay writing, writing abilities, answering an essay question
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Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Thavorn Thitthongkam from Thailand on 23-Sep-2008 07:08.
Abstract has been viewed 4637 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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