
Classroom Questioning Behavior Factors in Cambodian Vocational Training Institutions  

Abstract Category: Education
Course / Degree: Master of Development Communication
Institution / University: University of the Philippines Open University, Philippines
Published in: 2006

Thesis Abstract / Summary:

In Cambodia, Vocational Training Education (VTE) is a prime tool for the development of the country. Through it skilled workers are able to join the country’s labor force through their respective competencies. Out of School Youth (OSY) who resort to Vocational Training Institutions (VTI) as their alternative providers to knowledge and skills attainment do not come from the most intellectually capable of standard school leavers. Helping them achieve and optimize knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to their field of study ensures the country of a more competent work force.

Research Problem:
Educational strategies based on two-way and transactional interactive communication models have proven to have beneficial effects on students. They have helped increase motivation, attendance, long-term retention and reduce competition and isolation. (Elliot 2000) However, here in Cambodia, even if the students seem to be self-motivated in attending classes in VTI’s, they seem to show shyness and inability in asking relevant questions.(Jones 1995, 229) This hinders learning in a VTI environment. What factors could be attributed to this phenomenon?

Objectives of the Study
1. To determine communication-related causes that hinder learning in students
2. To analyze teacher methods of communicating.
3. To recommend communication interventions that could promote better teacher-student communication.

The research gives an overview and analysis of the history of education in Cambodia in the review of literature. It then makes use of the triangulation method of classroom observation, student focus group discussion, and teacher interviews. Although mainly qualitative in methodology, it will nevertheless employ a structured demographic survey for its respondent profile and a follow up survey question.

Major Findings

This research paper makes a simple contribution to the development of technical education through the employment of better communication models for learning. Specifically the findings of this research point to various factors affecting student learning and VTI instructor competency. This then could lead into more focused design and delivery of training modules answering specific teacher communication needs.

Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Vocational Education, Communication Paradigm

This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Ravasco, Gerard. Classroom Questioning Behavior Factors in
Cambodian Vocational Training Institutions. Masteral Research. Los Banos: UPOU, 2006

Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Gerard Ravasco from Cambodia on 21-Nov-2006 13:53.
Abstract has been viewed 4149 times (since 7 Mar 2010).

Gerard Ravasco Contact Details: Email: gravasco@yahoo.com

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