Towards e-Governance and Bridging the Digital Divide: A study on the Acceptability of Multipurpose Community Information and Telecenter (MCIT) Prototype by Barangays in selected Municipalities
Abstract Category: I.T.
Course / Degree: PhD in Management Major in Info Tech Mgt
Institution / University: Letran-Calamba, Philippines
Published in: 2006
The main objective of the study is to design, develop and determine the acceptability of the Multipurpose Community Information and Telecenter (MCIT) prototype in building an information society towards E-Governance and bridging the digital divide.
The study encompassed the a) information management resources, practices, capabilities and its effects; b) extent of ICT usage; c) level of acceptance of the MCIT prototype; and d) factors that may have significant relationship on the respondents’ level of acceptance on the said prototype. The study involves barangay officials in barangays from selected Class A municipalities such as Cabuyao, Calamba and Los Baños representing the highly developed barangays, Class B municipality like Bay representing the developing barangays and Class C municipalities such as Paete, Pagsanjan, Kalayaan, Pakil, Pangil, and Lumban representing the less developed barangays.
The study described the nature of a situation as it existed at the time of the study and explored the causes of a particular phenomena among the barangays in selected municipalities of Laguna. A case study type of the descriptive method of research was considered in this study. Questionnaires, interview and observations were used for data gathering. The statistical tools that were used in data analyses are the Weighted Arithmetic Mean, Median, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Kruskal - Wallis test, Scheffe Method, and the Pearson Product-Moment Coefficient of Correlation.
The study revealed that 60.97 percent of barangays are dependent on other government agencies in acquiring information. On the other hand, 26.46 percent are self-dependent and rely on their own information made possible through ordinances while 9.12 percent have no initiative in information acquisition. Generally these practices have negative effects on the integrity of documents released by barangays.
The over-all level of ICT usage of barangays is low. The results show that there is a significant difference on the extent of ICT utilization among barangays from the different classes of municipalities.
Factors such as Educational Attainment, Length of Service, and level of ICT literacy of barangay officials were found to be insignificant on the level acceptability of the MCIT prototype. However, factors such barangay’s Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) and Barangay official’s willingness to learn more on ICT were found to be significant.
The acceptability of the CBIS prototype by all classes of barangays is generally HIGH. And there is no significant difference on the level of acceptability of the different classes of barangays.
The acceptability of the Community Telecenter prototype is four (4) which means that barangays will accept the Community Telecenter prototype provided that 50 percent of the expenses will be shouldered by other government agencies. Acceptance level of Class A barangays is significantly higher than that of Classes B and C barangays.
The study concluded that the present information management practices of most barangays are inadequate. This is the reason why, official documents released by the barangays do not earn the approbation of the different public and private assemblage of the society.
Due to low ICT usage of barangays, and low priority of barangay officials, social inclusion through Information and Communication Technology had a slim chance of fulfillment if the initiative of local officials is to be looked forward to.
The adaptability and implementation of the CBIS prototype can be easily completed and adapted by all classes of barangays since the findings revealed that generally, barangays have one computer. In return, the information management practices of the barangays will be improved.
On the other hand, the establishment and implementation of a Community Telecenter which will provide free training and internet access to the poor and underprivileged of the community will not come easy. This is because majority of barangays will implement the said project if 50 percent of the expenses will be shouldered by other government agencies. Its immediate implementation will depend on our national leaders particularly the Congress who has the authority and power over national budget allocation.
To address the issue of the inadequate information management practices of barangays, it is recommended for every barangay to use and adopt the newly developed Community Based Information System prototype.
To address the problem of the digital divide, it is imperative for our national leaders to take the necessary initiatives by passing a law that would establish a Multipurpose Community Telecenter for every barangay in the country and appropriating funds thereof.
The presidents of the Association of Barangay Chairman (ABC) of every municipality included in the study should be given a copy of the executive summary of this study. They must be personally informed on their important role in the implementation of the MCIT projects in the country, and that role is sponsoring a municipal resolution on their respective municipality about their desire to implement the MCIT project. In addition, they can also sponsor a Provincial resolution through their ABC Provincial President. The resolution must contain a formal request to their respective congressman to sponsor a bill that will establish the MCIT projects for every barangay in the country and appropriating funds thereof. The municipal resolution and provincial resolution, supported by the findings of the study, must be officially given to their respective congressman and to the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) in order to obtain the support of the executive department of the government. With ten municipal resolutions from ten municipalities included in the study, supported by a provincial resolution, the four district representative of Laguna will surely be aware of the digital divide problems and the strong desire of their respective local officials in the implementation of the MCIT projects. Obviously, their initiative in sponsoring a bill in Congress will be easily achieved. Finally, the concerned district representatives should ask the assistance of the ABC national president, who also has a legislative power in the lower house and who is the ex officio chair of the Committee on Barangay Affairs. If necessary, the researcher can give his time presenting the study during the committee hearing in the lower house.
For maximum participation and cooperation of every local official, the DILG should be tasked to look into every Local Government Unit (LGU) in the implementation of Multipurpose Community Information and Telecenter projects.
Finally, further researches are needed that will include pilot testing of the Multipurpose Community Information and Telecenter on some selected barangays before its nationwide implementation.
Thesis Keywords/Search Tags:
Digital Divide, Barangays
This Thesis Abstract may be cited as follows:
Dissertation Abstract in IT
Submission Details: Thesis Abstract submitted by Charlemagne G Lavina from Philippines on 13-Jul-2006 10:46.
Abstract has been viewed 5688 times (since 7 Mar 2010).
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